Releases: wwwwwwzx/3DSRNGTool
Releases · wwwwwwzx/3DSRNGTool
- Initial support for RNGing square shiny in Gen 8
- A Pokemon is square shiny if TSV = PSV (shiny) and TRV = PRV
- Definition of TRV (Trainer Residual Value, or you can call it TSSV: Trainer square shiny value)
- TRV is the last 4 bits of TID xor SID, a value between 0 and 15 and it can be presented in a one-digit hex number
- TRV = (TID ^ SID) & 0xF
- TID ^ SID = (TSV << 4) | TRV. TRV is independant of TSV
- How to get your TRV
- Improved Tiny Timeline Tool
- Added Pokeradar patches RNG
- Added Auto-Calibration for soaring advance type
- Added XY ID RNG timeline method
- Added ORAS Kyogre/Groudon timeline method for Sync
- Allowed custom encounter rate of FS
- Fixed crash of TTT context menu
- Allowed "odd" delay method for wormhole Zapdos
- Added Unown (ORAS), Minior (Gen7) form RNG
- Renamed profile file
- Fixed Crabrawler gender generation
- Fixed slow gen6 stationary timeline generation in mainform
- Reduced reseeding lag of
function - Misc cleanup
- Updated Gen7 initial seed APIs
- Added TID/SID combo search for Mystery Gifts renaming
- Reworked Gen6 TinyMT timeline stuffs
- Improved TinyMT timeline calculation performance
- Fixed Gen6 Synchronize results
- Fixed Rock Smash method
- Added normal wild template
- Added White/Black Flute effect in ORAS
- More features are working in progress
- Improved translation method
Added Gen7 ambush encounters RNG
Added timeline leap calculator for stationary and event (PCalc only)
- Efficiency was improved from 30 spreads per second to 630+ possible spreads per second!
- Including menu method, especially for Xurkitree and Nihilego.
- Added Gen6 frame advance column for odd/even
Added SOS RNG UI tweaks
Fixed WonderCards reading
- Added SOS RNG
- Unlocked partner cap Pikachu shininess
- Updated USUM 1.2 wifi patch
- Added fishing item slots info
- Allow customized clock image (Format: \Clock_XX.jpg)
- Added random berry table from berry piles
- Fixed several wormhole delay calculation
- Simplified Gen6 synchro check (maximum memory intensity required)
- Added Misc RNG Tool for
- Customized RNG:
Roto Loto RNG (Random % 11, Delay = 0)
Vending machine RNG (Random % 64, Delay = 4)
etc. - Pokerus RNG (Unstable)
- Festival Plaza facility RNG
- Battle Tree trainer RNG
- Capture RNG (WIP)
- Customized RNG:
- More stable G7 ID bot
- Added shiny frames reminder for gen7 MM/SC eggs
- Fixed G7 fishing RNG inaccurate timewindow
- Added effects of abilities that change wild pkm level
- Added G6 party leader's ability effect
- Added fishing RNG for Shiny and Gold Bottle Cap!
- More possible results can be searched in
+-100 Frames
Mode - Increased ID Bot rubustness and speed
- Updated NTR Helper for USUM v1.1
- Fixed Rayquaza and Route 2 default NPC count
- More tips texts
- Several tweaks for transporter