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GitLab Development Kit

The GDK runs a GitLab development environment isolated in a directory. This environment contains GitLab CE, CI and Runner. This project uses Foreman to run dedicated Postgres and Redis processes for GitLab development. All data is stored inside the gitlab-development-kit directory. All connections to supporting services go through Unix domain sockets to avoid port conflicts.

Design goals

  • Get the user started, do not try to take care of everything
  • Run everything as your 'desktop' user on your development machine
  • GitLab Development Kit itself does not run sudo commands
  • It is OK to leave some things to the user (e.g. installing Ruby)


The preferred way to use GitLab Development Kit is to install Ruby and dependencies on your 'native' OS. We strongly recommend the native install since it is much faster than a virtualized one. If you want to use Vagrant instead/need to do development from Windows please see the instructions for our (experimental) Vagrantfile.

Install dependencies

Prerequisites for all platforms

If you do not have the dependencies below you will experience strange errors during installation.

  1. A non-root unix user, this can be your normal user but DO NOT run the installation as a root user
  2. Ruby 2.1.6 installed with a ruby version manager (RVM, ruby-build, rbenv, chruby, etc.), DO NOT use the system Ruby
  3. bundler, which you can install with gem install bundler

OS X 10.9

Please read the prerequisites for all platforms.

brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install git redis postgresql phantomjs198 libiconv icu4c pkg-config cmake nodejs
brew link phantomjs198
bundle config build.nokogiri --with-iconv-dir=/usr/local/opt/libiconv


Please read the prerequisites for all platforms.

sudo apt-get install git postgresql libpq-dev phantomjs redis-server libicu-dev cmake g++ nodejs libkrb5-dev

Arch Linux

Please read the prerequisites for all platforms.

sudo pacman -S postgresql phantomjs redis postgresql-libs icu nodejs ed cmake openssh git


Please read the prerequisites for all platforms.

sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev redis-server libicu-dev cmake g++ nodejs libkrb5-dev ed

You need to install phantomjs manually

cd ~
tar -xvjf $PHANTOM_JS.tar.bz2
sudo mv $PHANTOM_JS /usr/local/share
sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/$PHANTOM_JS/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin
phantomjs --version


Please read the prerequisites for all platforms.

Please contribute this by sending a merge request.


Please read the prerequisites for all platforms.

This is tested on CentOS 6.5

sudo yum install
sudo yum install
sudo yum install postgresql93-server libicu-devel cmake gcc-c++ redis
sudo yum install fontconfig freetype

sudo gpg2 --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys D39DC0E3
sudo curl -sSL | bash -s stable
sudo source /etc/profile.d/
sudo rvm install 2.1
sudo rvm use 2.1
#Ensure your user is in rvm group
sudo usermod -a -G rvm <username>
#add iptables exceptions, or sudo service stop iptables

PhantomJS - You will want to download the required version of PhantomJS and place the binary on the path.

Git 1.7.1-3 is the latest git binary for CentOS 6.5 and gitlab. Spinach tests will fail due to a higher version requirement by gitlab. You can follow the instructions found here to install a newer binary version of git.

Clone GitLab Development Kit repository

git clone
cd gitlab-development-kit

Install the repositories and gems

The Makefile will clone the repositories, install the Gem bundles and set up basic configuration files. Pick one:

# Clone the official repositories of gitlab and gitlab-shell

Alternatively, you can clone straight from your forked repositories or GitLab EE.

# Clone your own forked repositories
make [email protected]:example/gitlab-ce.git [email protected]:example/gitlab-shell.git \
  [email protected]:example/gitlab-ci.git [email protected]:example/gitlab-ci-runner.git


Start Redis and PostgreSQL by running the command below in the root of the project:

bundle exec foreman start

Keep the above command running and seed the main GitLab database from a new terminal session:

cd gitlab && bundle exec rake db:create dev:setup

Finally, start the main GitLab rails application in the gitlab subdirectory of the project:

bundle exec foreman start

Now you can go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser. The development login credentials are root and 5iveL!fe

If you want to work on GitLab CI, first seed the GitLab CI database:

cd gitlab-ci && bundle exec rake db:create db:setup

To start the GitLab CI rails application:

bundle exec foreman start

Setup the GitLab Runner:

cd gitlab-runner
CI_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:9000 bundle exec ./bin/setup

Start the GitLab Runner:

bundle exec ./bin/runner

To enable the OpenLDAP server, see the OpenLDAP instructions in this readme.

END Post-installation

Please do not delete the 'END Post-installation' line above. It is used to print the post-installation message from the Makefile.


Vagrant is a tool for setting up identical development environments including all dependencies regardless of the host platform you are using. Vagrant will default to using VirtualBox, but it has many plugins for different environments.

Vagrant allows you to develop GitLab without affecting your host machine (but we recommend developing GitLab on metal if you can). Vagrant can be very slow since the files are synced between the host OS and GitLab (testing) accesses a lot of files. You can improve the speed by keeping all the files on the guest OS but in that case you should take care to not lose the files if you destroy or update the VM.


  1. Disable Hyper-V (Windows users) then enable virtualization technology via the BIOS.
  2. Install VirtualBox & Vagrant.
  3. Run vagrant up in this directory (from an elevated command prompt if on Windows) a. Vagrant will download an OS image, bring it up, and install all the prerequisites.
  4. Run vagrant ssh to SSH into the box.
  5. Run cd ~/gitlab-development-kit/ and continue setup at Install the repositories and gems above.

Development details

  • Open development environment by running vagrant up & vagrant ssh (from an elevated command prompt if on Windows).
  • Follow the general development guidelines but running the commands in the vagrant ssh session.
  • Files in the gitlab, gitlab-shell, gitlab-ci, and gitlab-runner folders will be synced between the host OS & guest OS so can be edited on either the host (under this folder) or guest OS (under ~/gitlab-development-kit/).


  • When you want to shutdown Vagrant run exit from the guest OS and then vagrant halt from the host OS.


  • On some setups the shared folder will have the wrong user. This is detected by the Vagrantfile and you should sudo su - build to switch to the correct user in that case.
  • If you get a "Timed out while waiting for the machine to boot" message you likely forgot to disable Hyper-V or enable virtualization technology via the BIOS.
  • If you have continious problems starting Vagrant you can uncomment vb.gui = true to view any error messages.
  • If you have problems running support/edit-gitlab.yml (bash script despite file extension) see
  • If you have errors with symlinks or Ruby during initialization make sure you ran vagrant up from an elevated command prompt (Windows users).


When doing development, you will need one shell session (terminal window) running Postgres and Redis, and one or more other sessions to work on GitLab itself.


First start Postgres and Redis.

# terminal window 1
# current directory: gitlab-development-kit
bundle exec foreman start

Next, start a Rails development server.

# terminal window 2
# current directory: gitlab-development-kit/gitlab
bundle exec foreman start

Now you can go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser. The development login credentials are root and 5iveL!fe

Running the tests

In order to run the test you can use the following commands:

  • rake spinach to run the spinach suite
  • rake spec to run the rspec suite
  • rake jasmine:ci to run the jasmine test suite
  • rake gitlab:test to run all the tests

Note: You can't run rspec . since this will try to run all the _spec.rb files it can find, also the ones in /tmp

To run a single test file you can use:

  • bundle exec rspec spec/controllers/commit_controller_spec.rb for a rspec test
  • bundle exec spinach features/project/issues/milestones.feature for a spinach test

Update gitlab and gitlab-shell repositories

When working on a new feature, always check that your gitlab repository is up to date with the upstream master branch.

In order to fetch the latest code, first make sure that foreman for postgres is runnning (needed for db migration) and then run:

make update

This will update both gitlab, gitlab-ci and gitlab-shell and run any possible migrations. You can also update them separately by running make gitlab-update make gitlab-ci-update and make gitlab-shell-update respectively.


To run the OpenLDAP installation included in the GitLab development kit do the following:

vim Procfile # remove the comment on the OpenLDAP line
cd gitlab-openldap
make # will setup the databases

in the gitlab repository edit config/gitlab.yml;

  enabled: true
      label: LDAP
      port: 3890
      uid: 'uid'
      method: 'plain' # "tls" or "ssl" or "plain"
      base: 'dc=example,dc=com'
      user_filter: ''
      group_base: 'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com'
      admin_group: ''
    # Alternative server, multiple LDAP servers only work with GitLab-EE
    # alt:
    #   label: LDAP-alt
    #   host:
    #   port: 3890
    #   uid: 'uid'
    #   method: 'plain' # "tls" or "ssl" or "plain"
    #   base: 'dc=example-alt,dc=com'
    #   user_filter: ''
    #   group_base: 'ou=groups,dc=example-alt,dc=com'
    #   admin_group: ''

The second database is optional, and will only work with Gitlab-EE.


If you want to experiment with how GitLab behaves over NFS you can use a setup where your development machine is simultaneously an NFS client and server, with GitLab reading/writing data as the client.

Ubuntu / Debian

sudo apt-get install -y nfs-kernel-server

# All our NFS exports (data on the 'server') is under /exports/gitlab-data
sudo mkdir -p /exports/gitlab-data/{repositories,gitlab-satellites,.ssh}
# We assume your developer user is git:git
sudo chown git:git /exports/gitlab-data/{repositories,gitlab-satellites,.ssh}

sudo mkdir /etc/exports.d
echo '/exports/gitlab-data,sync,no_subtree_check)' | sudo tee /etc/exports.d/gitlab-data.exports
sudo service portmap restart
sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart
sudo exportfs -v # should show /exports/gitlab-data

# We assume the current directory is the root of your gitlab-development-kit
sudo mkdir -p .ssh repositories gitlab-satellites
sudo mount .ssh
sudo mount repositories
sudo mount gitlab-satellites
# TODO: put the above mounts in /etc/fstab ?

OS X, other developer OS's

MR welcome!


Rails cannot connect to Postgres

  • Check if foreman is running in the gitlab-development-kit directory.
  • Check for custom Postgres connection settings defined via the environment; we assume none such variables are set. Look for them with set | grep '^PG'.

'LoadError: dlopen' when starting Ruby apps

This can happen when you try to load a Ruby gem with native extensions that were linked against a system library that is no longer there. A typical culprit is Homebrew on OS X, which encourages frequent updates (brew update && brew upgrade) which may break binary compatibility.

bundle exec rake db:create gitlab:setup
rake aborted!
LoadError: dlopen(/Users/janedoe/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/extensions/x86_64-darwin-13/2.1.0-static/charlock_holmes-, 9): Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.52.1.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/janedoe/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/extensions/x86_64-darwin-13/2.1.0-static/charlock_holmes-
  Reason: image not found - /Users/janedoe/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/extensions/x86_64-darwin-13/2.1.0-static/charlock_holmes-
/Users/janedoe/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/config/application.rb:6:in `<top (required)>'
/Users/janedoe/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/Rakefile:5:in `require'
/Users/janedoe/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/Rakefile:5:in `<top (required)>'
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

In the above example, you see that the charlock_holmes gem fails to load libicui18n.52.1.dylib. You can try fixing this by re-installing charlock_holmes:

# in /Users/janedoe/gitlab-development-kit
gem uninstall charlock_holmes
bundle install # should reinstall charlock_holmes

Other problems

Please open an issue on the GDK issue tracker.


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