The GOPT toolbox contains functions for optimization over the manifold of PSD (HPD) matrices, as well as a collection of functions for computing maximum-likelihood estimates for Elliptical Gamma Distributions (EGDs) and calculating the KL-divergence between EGDs.
Please see the end of this README for a list of the algorithms available.
This toolbox is copyright (C) 2014 by Reshad Hosseini & Suvrit Sra and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 (or later).
Contact: Reshad Hosseini or Suvrit Sra
Unzip and copy the whole gopt directory you just downloaded in a location of your choice on disk, say, in /my/directory/.
Go to /my/directory/eg/ at the Matlab command prompt and execute 'install' (or 'install_eg'). You may save this path for your next Matlab sessions: follow the menu File . Set Path... and save.
##Directory structure##
./ The top directory with |manoptAuxiliary - Added solver and manifold (use with manopt) |--- lbfgsSolver/ - Manifold BFGS |--- pdManifold/ - psd and hpd classes |--- wolfeLinesearch/ - Line search algorithm satisfy Wolfe conditions | means-medians/ - algos for means and medians of PSD matrices | examples/ - some examples showing how to use GOPT | eg/ - algorithms specific to EGDs | kotz/ - algorithms specific to Kotz type distributions | ThirdParty/ - Third party tools |--- randraw/ - m-function written by Alex Bar-Guy |--- manopt/ - the manopt toolbox |--- prettyPlot/ - our version of Mark Schmidt's plot tools
If you find manifold LBFGS or the PSD (HPD) manifold useful in your work, please cite the following two papers:
@Article{gopt, title={Conic Geometric Optimization on the Manifold of Positive Definite Matrices}, author={Sra, Suvrit and Hosseini, Reshad}, journal={SIAM Journal on Optimization}, volume={25}, number={1}, pages={713--739}, year={2015}, publisher={SIAM} } @Article{manopt, author = {Nicolas Boumal and Bamdev Mishra and P.-A. Absil and Rodolphe Sepulchre}, title = {{M}anopt, a {M}atlab Toolbox for Optimization on Manifolds}, journal = {Journal of Machine Learning Research}, year = {2014}, volume = {15}, pages = {1455--1459}, url = {} }
If you are using functions for estimating KL-divergence between EGDs or ML-estimation of parameters of EGD, please cite the following paper:
@Article{egd, author = {Reshad Hosseini and Suvrit Sra and Lucas Theis and Matthias Bethge}, title = {Statistical Inference with the Elliptical Gamma Distribution}, journal = {arXiv:1410.4812}, year = {2014}, }
- Fixed point iteration for S-Divergence means
- Fixed point iteration for S-Divergence medians
- Sampling based algorithm (of M. Bacak) for the Riemannian / Karcher Mean
- Limited memory Riemannian BFGS algorithm for optimization over smooth manifolds using manopt
- Fixed point iterations for ML estimation for EGDs
- Numerical computation of KL-Divergence between EGDs
- Fixed point iterations for ML estimation for Kotz type distributions
- Manifold optimization algorithms for Riemannian Dictionary Learning (based on the paper: A. Cherian, S. Sra (Dictionary learning, sparse coding with PSD matrices)
- Faster computation of matrix geometric means (S. Sra (2013))
- Implementation of methods for computing matrix means and medians
Last updated Thu Jul 02 14:34:20 EST 2015