Breez is a Lightning Network mobile client and a hub. It provides a platform for simple, instantaneous bitcoin payments.
- lnd on Android
- Neutrino on Android
- Seamless hub channel creation
- Adding funds using on-chain tx
- BTC & Satoshi units
- Random avatars
- Connect to Pay: simple interface to execute payments between users
- Pay someone nearby: pay to another Breez user using NFC
- NFC card support: activate an NFC card to be used by POS
- A full lncli interface to query and execute ln commands
- Filter tx by type
- Filter tx by date
- Pay invoice (link or QR) from other ln wallets
- Create invoice (link or QR) to be paid by other ln wallets
- Removing funds to an on-chain address
- SubmarineSwaps for adding on-chain funds including refund functionality
- End-to-end encryption of Connect-to-Pay session
- Make Connect-to-Pay links work for users that didn't yet install Breez
- Ability to Backup/Restore the ln node
- Mainnet support
- Support zero-sat invoices
- Startup optimizations
- Background sync via FCM
- Marketplace w/ Bitrefill
- Adding funds via vouchers
- Backup improvements
- Add background ChannelsWatcher job
- Expose Bitcoin Node (BIP157) configuration
- iOS support
- Add webLN support
- Fiat units
- Optional PIN
- Adding funds via credit card
- Add stronger encryption to cloud backup
- iCloud backup option
- Dark mode
- Export payments to .csv
- Support 3rd-party LSPs
- Biometric login
- Fast on-boarding
- Pay w/o full sync
- Implement lnurl-withdraw
- Send on-chain via reverse Submarine Swaps
- Improve hodl invoice support
- Support zero-conf channels
- Async payments via Lightning Rod
- Support SD storage
- NFC card support
- NFC device support
- POS POC release
- Android 7+ 64bit
- Build
as decribed in - For Android:
- Copy
to theandroid/app/libs/
directory - Create a firebase Android app using the firebase console
- Generate the google-services.json and copy it to the android/app/src/client directory
- For iOS:
- Copy the bindings.framework directory to the ios directory.
- Create a firebase iOS app using the firebase console
- Generate the GoogleServices-info.plist and copy it to ios/Runner directory
- Flutter beta channel
- Install flutter Run these command to switch to beta channel:
- flutter channel beta
- flutter upgrade
Now you can use the following commands to run in a connected device the client app or the pos or to build the corresponding apks:
- flutter run --flavor=client --target=lib/main.dart
- flutter run --flavor=pos --target=lib/main_pos.dart
- flutter build apk --target-platform=android-arm64 --flavor=client --debug --target=lib/main.dart
- flutter build apk --target-platform=android-arm64 --flavor=pos --debug --target=lib/main_pos.dart