- install
git clone https://github.com/xamohsen/chat_system.git && cd chat_system
docker-compose up
- go to
- to run specs
docker exec -it chat_system_app_1 bash
- Documentation: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/54956/SVYkx2XW?version=latest
- Reject old requests by adding date/time to each request and reject any request with date/time older than the date/time in database.
- Refactor create-and-queuing APIs to be in another service to be able to handle more requests.
- Add update APIs to the queue.
- Create queue per API for example create a queue for create app API and another one for create chat API.
- Revisit specs to make sure all corner cases and bad requests are handle correctly.
- Refactor the API URL structure, the current one is following the one in the docs but I don't think it's the best we can do.