Stateful map controller for Google Maps google_maps_flutter. Manage Markers, Circles, Polylines, and Polygons.
Inspired by map_controller for flutter_map.
Follow same config steps as decirbed in google_maps_flutter getting-started.
Use GoogleMaps
widget instead of GoogleMap
to use auto set-up widget.
Use GoogleMapsController
for all the actions.
Check example dir for more details.
var controller = GoogleMapsController();
// Widget
controller: controller,
You can also provide controller through provider / InheritedWidget / BLoC or any other state management.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_controller/google_maps_controller.dart';
void main() {
class ExampleApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Google Maps Controller Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
home: Scaffold(
body: HomeScreen(),
class HomeScreen extends StatefulWidget {
HomeScreen({Key key}) : super(key: key);
_HomeScreenState createState() => _HomeScreenState();
class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> {
final s = "Map 2";
GoogleMapsController controller;
StreamSubscription<CameraPosition> subscription;
CameraPosition position;
void initState() {
controller = GoogleMapsController(
initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(
target: LatLng(37.42796133580664, -122.085749655962),
zoom: 14.4746,
onTap: (latlng) {
Circle circle;
circle = Circle(
circleId: CircleId(
"ID:" +,
center: latlng,
fillColor: Color.fromRGBO(255, 0, 0, 1),
strokeColor: Color.fromRGBO(155, 0, 0, 1),
radius: 5,
onTap: () => controller.removeCircle(circle),
consumeTapEvents: true,
subscription = controller.onCameraMove$.listen((e) {
setState(() {
position = e;
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
child: GoogleMaps(
controller: controller,
top: false,
child: Text("$position"),
void Function(GoogleMapController) onMapCreated,
void Function() onCameraIdle,
void Function(CameraPosition) onCameraMove,
void Function() onCameraMoveStarted,
void Function(LatLng) onLongPress,
void Function(LatLng) onTap,
CameraPosition initialCameraPosition,
Set<Circle> initialCircles,
Set<Marker> initialMarkers,
Set<Polygon> initialPolygons,
Set<Polyline> initialPolylines,
bool buildingsEnabled,
CameraTargetBounds cameraTargetBounds,
bool compassEnabled,
bool indoorViewEnabled,
bool liteModeEnabled,
bool zoomControlsEnabled,
bool mapToolbarEnabled,
MapType mapType,
MinMaxZoomPreference minMaxZoomPreference,
bool myLocationEnabled,
bool myLocationButtonEnabled,
EdgeInsets padding,
bool rotateGesturesEnabled,
bool scrollGesturesEnabled,
bool tiltGesturesEnabled,
bool trafficEnabled,
bool zoomGesturesEnabled,
List<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>> gestureRecognizers,
@required GoogleMapsController controller,
buildingsEnabled ↔ bool
cameraTargetBounds ↔ CameraTargetBounds
circles ↔ Set<Circle>
compassEnabled ↔ bool
context → BuildContext
controller → GoogleMapController
gestureRecognizers ↔ Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>>
indoorViewEnabled ↔ bool
initialCameraPosition → CameraPosition
initted → bool
liteModeEnabled ↔ bool
mapToolbarEnabled ↔ bool
mapType ↔ MapType
markers ↔ Set<Marker>
minMaxZoomPreference ↔ MinMaxZoomPreference
myLocationButtonEnabled ↔ bool
myLocationEnabled ↔ bool
onCameraIdle → void Function()
onCameraIdle$ → Stream<void>
onCameraMove → void Function(CameraPosition)
onCameraMove$ → Stream<CameraPosition>
onCameraMoveStarted → void Function()
onCameraMoveStarted$ → Stream<void>
onLongPress → void Function(LatLng)
onLongPress$ → Stream<LatLng>
onMapCreated → void Function(GoogleMapController)
onTap → void Function(LatLng)
onTap$ → Stream<LatLng>
padding ↔ EdgeInsets
polygons ↔ Set<Polygon>
polylines ↔ Set<Polyline>
rotateGesturesEnabled ↔ bool
scrollGesturesEnabled ↔ bool
tiltGesturesEnabled ↔ bool
trafficEnabled ↔ bool
zoom → Future<double>
zoomControlsEnabled ↔ bool
zoomGesturesEnabled ↔ bool
addCircle(Circle circle) → void
addCircles(List<Circle> circles) → void
addMarker(Marker marker) → void
addMarkers(List<Marker> markers) → void
addPolygon(Polygon polygon) → void
addPolygons(List<Polygon> polygons) → void
addPolyline(Polyline polyline) → void
addPolylines(List<Polyline> polylines) → void
animateCamera(CameraUpdate cameraUpdate) → Future<void>
clearCircles() → void
clearMarkers() → void
clearPolygons() → void
clearPolylines() → void
getLatLng(ScreenCoordinate screenCoordinate) → Future<LatLng>
getScreenCoordinate(LatLng latLng) → Future<ScreenCoordinate>
getVisibleRegion() → Future<LatLngBounds>
getZoomLevel() → Future<double>
hideMarkerInfoWindow(MarkerId markerId) → Future<double>
init(GoogleMapController controller) → void
isMarkerInfoWindowShown(MarkerId markerId) → Future<bool>
moveCamera(CameraUpdate cameraUpdate) → Future<void>
newCameraPosition(CameraPosition cameraPosition, {bool animate: false}) → Future<void>
newLatLng(LatLng latLng, {bool animate: false}) → Future<void>
newLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds bounds, double padding, {bool animate: false}) → Future<void>
newLatLngZoom(LatLng latLng, double zoom, {bool animate: false}) → Future<void>
removeCircle(Circle circle) → void
removeCircles(Iterable<Circle> circles) → void
removeMarker(Marker marker) → void
removeMarkers(Iterable<Marker> markers) → void
removePolygon(Polygon polygon) → void
removePolygons(Iterable<Polygon> polygons) → void
removePolyline(Polyline polyline) → void
removePolylines(Iterable<Polyline> polylines) → void
scrollBy(double dx, double dy, {bool animate: false}) → Future<void>
setContext(BuildContext context) → void
setMapStyle(String mapStyle) → Future<void>
showMarkerInfoWindow(MarkerId markerId) → Future<bool>
takeSnapshot() → Future<Uint8List>
updateCamera(CameraUpdate cameraUpdate, {bool animate: false}) → Future<void>
zoomBy(double amount, {Offset focus, bool animate: false}) → Future<void>
zoomIn({bool animate: false}) → Future<void>
zoomOut({bool animate: false}) → Future<void>
zoomTo(double zoom, {bool animate: false}) → Future<void>