Moringa school IP Live Link
This is a clone of the image sharing network, Instagram. Users can sign up login, view and post photos and follow other users.
- Register and Sign in to the application.
- Upload my pictures to the application.
- See my profile with all my pictures.
- Follow other users and see their pictures on my timeline.
- Like or Save a picture and leave a comment on it.
git clone
cd Not-Instagram
create and acvite a virtual environment
python3.6 -m venv virtual && source virtual/bin/activate
Install dependancies that will create an environment for the app to run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- psql
- CREATE DATABASE instaclone;
Create .env file and paste paste the following filling where appropriate:
SECRET_KEY = '<Secret_key>'
DBNAME = 'instaclone'
USER = '<Username>'
PASSWORD = '<password>'
DEBUG = True
python3.6 makemigrations instaclone
python3.6 migrate
python3.6 runserver
- Python 3.6 and The Django framework
- HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- Heroku
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details