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scraper: Add Up Close VR Scraper (#1853)
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* WIP Full Site Scrape Only

Currently scrapes the whole site. Needs logic to prevent rescrapes of scenes already processed.  Needs logic to handle single scene scrapes. This is a completely different body request then whole site.  The JSON is in the same format for single scenes so whole site logic can be reused for extracting data. Tags need filtering as original series and adult time original are redundant tags.

Code needs to be cleaned and formatted

* Final

Works. Tested both single scene and full site. All data available is retrieved. There is a bug when scraping single scene sites that the pop up doesn't show to save it. Unsure if it is bug in my XBVR or something in my code.

* Remove Junk lines

* More clean up

* Code Clean Up
  • Loading branch information
pops64 authored Oct 10, 2024
1 parent 943283e commit 81f070e
Showing 1 changed file with 158 additions and 0 deletions.
158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions pkg/scrape/upclosevr.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
package scrape

import (


func UpCloseVR(wg *sync.WaitGroup, updateSite bool, knownScenes []string, out chan<- models.ScrapedScene, singleSceneURL string, singeScrapeAdditionalInfo string, limitScraping bool) error {
// this scraper is non-standard in that it gathers info via an api rather than scraping html pages
defer wg.Done()
scraperID := "upclosevr"
siteID := "UpCloseVR"
logScrapeStart(scraperID, siteID)

siteCollector := createCollector("")

siteCollector.OnHTML(`script`, func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
apiKeyRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`"apiKey":"(.+)"}},"site`)
applicationIDRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`"applicationID":"(.+)","apiKey`)
apiKey := apiKeyRegex.FindStringSubmatch(e.Text)
applicationID := applicationIDRegex.FindStringSubmatch(e.Text)

if len(apiKey) > 0 && len(applicationID) > 0 {
pageTotal := 1
client := resty.New()

for page := 0; page < pageTotal; page++ {

var payloadStr string
if singleSceneURL != "" {
tmp := strings.Split(singleSceneURL, "/")
sceneID := tmp[len(tmp)-1]
payloadStr = `{"requests":[{"indexName":"all_scenes","params":"clickAnalytics=true&facetFilters=%5B%5B%22availableOnSite%3Aupclosevr%22%5D%2C%5B%22clip_id%3A` + sceneID + `%22%5D%5D&facets=%5B%5D&hitsPerPage=1&tagFilters="}]}`
} else {
payloadStr = `{"requests":[{"indexName":"all_scenes_latest_desc","params":"analytics=true&analyticsTags=%5B%22component%3Asearchlisting%22%2C%22section%3Afreetour%22%2C%22site%3Aupclosevr%22%2C%22context%3Avideos%22%2C%22device%3Adesktop%22%5D&clickAnalytics=true&facetingAfterDistinct=true&'0')%20AND%20availableOnSite%3Aupclosevr&highlightPostTag=__%2Fais-highlight__&highlightPreTag=__ais-highlight__&hitsPerPage=60&maxValuesPerFacet=1000&page=` + strconv.Itoa(page) + `&query=&tagFilters="}]}`

var payload = strings.NewReader(payloadStr)
resp, err := client.R().
SetHeader("Origin", "").
SetHeader("Referer", "").
SetHeader("User-Agent", UserAgent).
SetHeader("x-algolia-api-key", apiKey[1]).
SetHeader("x-algolia-application-id", applicationID[1]).

if err != nil {
log.Errorln("UpCloseVR encourtned an error on the API Call", err)

// Convert the resp into a json string for gjson usability
jsonString := resp.String()

// Check to see if there are multiple pages of results
if pageTotal == 1 && singleSceneURL == "" && !limitScraping {
pageTotal = int(gjson.Get(jsonString, "results.0.nbPages").Int())

// Make sure we are getting valid response. If the hits array is zero something went wrong
if len(gjson.Get(jsonString, "results.0.hits").Array()) == 0 {
log.Errorln("No Results found for UpCloseVR message:", gjson.Get(jsonString, "message").String(), "response code:", gjson.Get(jsonString, "status").String())

// iterate over each hit result
for i, _ := range gjson.Get(jsonString, "results.0.hits").Array() {
queryStr := `results.0.hits.` + strconv.Itoa(i)

// Check to make sure we don't update scenes we have already collected
sceneID := gjson.Get(jsonString, queryStr+`.clip_id`).String()
sceneURL := `` + gjson.Get(jsonString, queryStr+`.url_title`).String() + `/` + sceneID
if !funk.ContainsString(knownScenes, sceneURL) || singleSceneURL != "" {

sc := models.ScrapedScene{}

sc.ScraperID = scraperID
sc.SceneType = "VR"
sc.Studio = siteID
sc.Site = siteID
sc.SiteID = sceneID
sc.HomepageURL = sceneURL

// Scene ID
sc.SceneID = slugify.Slugify(sc.Site) + "-" + sc.SiteID

// Date
tmpDate, _ := goment.New(gjson.Get(jsonString, queryStr+`.release_date`).String(), "YYYY-MM-DD")
sc.Released = tmpDate.Format("YYYY-MM-DD")

// Cover
sc.Covers = append(sc.Covers, ``+gjson.Get(jsonString, queryStr+`.pictures.1920x1080`).String())

// Synopsis
sc.Synopsis = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Replace(gjson.Get(jsonString, queryStr+`.description`).String(), "</br></br>", " ", -1))

// Title
sc.Title = strings.TrimSpace(gjson.Get(jsonString, queryStr+`.title`).String())
log.Infoln(`Scraping ` + sc.Title)

// Cast - Females Only can be update to include males if wanted
sc.ActorDetails = make(map[string]models.ActorDetails)
for i, name := range gjson.Get(jsonString, queryStr+``).Array() {
sc.Cast = append(sc.Cast, name.String())

actorQuery := queryStr + `.female_actors.` + strconv.Itoa(i)

sc.ActorDetails[name.String()] = models.ActorDetails{
Source: scraperID + " scrape",
ProfileUrl: `` + gjson.Get(jsonString, actorQuery+`.url_name`).String() + `/` + gjson.Get(jsonString, actorQuery+`.actor_id`).String(),

// Junk Tags we don't want to add to scene data
skiptags := map[string]bool{
"Original Series": true,
"Adult Time Original": true,

// Tags
for _, name := range gjson.Get(jsonString, queryStr+``).Array() {
if !skiptags[name.String()] {
sc.Tags = append(sc.Tags, name.String())

// Duration is in total seconds
sc.Duration = int(gjson.Get(jsonString, queryStr+`.length`).Int()) / 60

out <- sc


if updateSite {
logScrapeFinished(scraperID, siteID)
return nil

func init() {
registerScraper("upclosevr", "Up Close VR", "", "", UpCloseVR)

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