External buildroot to build a minimal VirtualBox disk image with busybox, Vagrant ready.
Some note
- the
config enable apache2, php (fpm-php), mysqld, phpmyadmin, msmtp, cron - ipv4 only, ipv6 disabled
- openssl/ssh enabled
- vagrant user/home
- vboxguest, vboxsf kernel modules and mount.vboxsf (for directory sharing)
- current supported version for vbox guest drivers & commands: 5.0.10
directory shared with host- vagrant insecure pub key in authorized keys
Assuming sources are in your home ~/src/
cd ~/src/${buildroot}
# apply package-php_mk-pcre.diff
# apply package-mysql_mk-innodb_plugin.diff
make BR2_EXTERNAL=~/src/vbox-buildroot-vagrant \
BR2_DEFCONFIG=~/src/vbox-buildroot-vagrant/configs/vbox64-vagrant_defconfig <optional-br-target>
Once .config
and output/.br-external
are created usual buildroot targets can be used without appending BR2_EXTERNAL
to make
The build generate bzImage
and rootfs.tar
into directory ${buildroot}/output/images/
The script genvdi-syslinux.sh
included to help to generate the VirtualBox VDI disk image, it use sudo
and require some host package to be pre-installed (see the script).
is not included in the buildroot's build process, use it manually (at your own risk).
- use syslinux on a vfat partition
- no initrd used yet
- add
config.ssh.shell = "/bin/sh"
- optionally for
configs:- add
config.vm.network "httpd", guest: 80, host: 8080
http://localhost:8080 - add
config.vm.synced_folder "htdocs", "/usr/htdocs"
and create a local directoryhtdocs/
(the defaultDocumentRoot
for installed apache2)
- add
## add
vagrant package --base ${VMNAME} # the name of the current VirtualBox VM
vagrant box add busybox package.box # busybox and package just names see vagrant manual
#vagrant init busybox # (needed only once, first time)
vagrant up
## remove
vagrant destroy
vagrant box remove busybox
rm package.box
phpMyAdmin is installed without configuration, with the exception for AllowNoPassword = true
in config.inc.php
Access at http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin/
MySQL is installed as it is, without configuration, boot with the GUI active to see suggested steps by MySQL scripts.