using the latest EcmaScript 2015 (ES6) additions,
transpiled with babel and moduled with ES6 modules using Browersify,
built with the Backbone framework,
styled with SASS and Bootstrap 4 (Alpha)
within the BEM inspired SUITCSS methodology,
charted with D3 and enhanced with Font Awesome vector icons,
convenienced by Underscore and jQuery,
tested with Karma, Mocha, Chai, and Sinon,
using PhantomJS, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari,
tooled with npm for package management,
and npm scripts for tasks involving
ESLint, Uglify, Autoprefixer, CSScomb,
CSSLint, CSSMin, Clean-css, Http-server, and more.
git clone && cd weather-app--birch
Make sure Node.js and npm are installed.
npm run demo
Once that is finished, your browser will open to the app.
Check out the hosted github page.