- Hides pages that are set to display in the future from lists and feeds. Normally, pages set for a future date are still displayed in lists and feeds and will just display how long until the page will display.
- (optional, see below) Allows pages to expire on the date set
- Ability to ajust the default number of years until a page expires.
- Provides an administration tool to manage hidden future pages; Administration -> Tools -> Hide Future Pages
Standard plugin installation:
Backup your database as a precaution.
- Download, unpack and upload the hidefuturepages plugin folder to your plugin directory.
- Install plugin in administration panel.
- Check the plugin's configurations in the plugin administration to make sure everything is set to your preference.
Warning: Allowing pages to expire while having pages in a one year or older seditio/cotonti installation may cause those pages to be deleted. You should backup your database before enabling this feature.
You must add the following line anywhere in your datas/config.php to allow pages to expire:
$cfg['allowpageexpire'] = TRUE;