Releases: xfenix/django-hmin
Releases · xfenix/django-hmin
Suddenly @dalescher found out (#4) another critical bug: hmin 0.5.3 strip spaces AFTER tags in cases like this:
<span>love it</span> totally
==> <span>love it</span>totally
Correct behaviour will be like this:
<span>love it</span> totally
==> <span>love it</span> totally
Now fixes released. Install from PyPI and use them for the greater good.
- Added tests for python 3.9 and django 3.1
- Optimized disabled middleware conditions
Suddenly @mwhawkins found out (#3) critical bug: hmin 0.5.2 strip spaces BEFORE tags, so scenarios like "some text <a href="#">..." leads to "some text<a href="#">...". This is incorrect behaviour.
Also, because of this fix, we got 2x time speedup (because i replaced complicated regexp with string replace and very simple regexp).
Huge update! 🚀
- Rewritten to 3.7+ python with full typing support.
- Main repo now supports installation via flit. But if you want to use plain old pip, download django-hmin-0.5.1.tar.gz archive.
- 100% test coverage support
- heavy tests coverage!
- integration test (very simple, but it here)
- tests for various environments (python 3.7/3.8, django 2/3)
- tested is package installable
- full support plenty of PEP's (typing, docstring)
python -m
CLI support- last, but not least — complete CI/CD via github actions!