<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
详细,可查看文件 .springboot-springcloud.version
- eureka-client
- springcloud-job-service
- springcloud-user-service
- eureka-registry
- springcloud-tom-eureka
- master
- 项目主分支 后续迭代新特性
- registry
- 注册中心 分支,该分支用户演示微服务构架:服务发现与服务注册之间的相互通信
- dubbo-zookeeper-registry
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Official Apache Maven documentation
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide
- Create an OCI image
- Spring Boot DevTools
Due to Maven's design, elements are inherited from the parent POM to the project POM.
While most of the inheritance is fine, it also inherits unwanted elements like <license>
and <developers>
from the
To prevent this, the project POM contains empty overrides for these elements.
If you manually switch to a different parent and actually want the inheritance, you need to remove those overrides.