UABE has currently not been updated in a while and does not support newer Unity versions. The goal of UABEA is to remake UABE to keep it up to date. All of the UI has been kept the same for those familiar with UABE. At the moment, implementing base features of UABE is still in progress. Also, it is built with Avalonia so it (should be) cross platform, no Wine needed.
There's not much in the way of new features as of yet (I wasn't even planning on doing this). There have been many requested features such as sprite importing/exporting, better command line support, batch import/export from gui, etc. I do not have a lot of time, but I do hope to get to these someday.
UABEA can export textures and asset dumps, but that's about it. If you're trying to dump anything else, try AssetStudio or AssetRipper (uTinyRipper), but these tools cannot import again.
If you're doing something that requires scripting such as dumping all of the fields from a MonoBehaviour, importing multiple text files or textures, etc. without interacting with the gui, try using AssetsTools.NET instead. UABEA can be a good way to figure out how the file is laid out, but the script can be written with AssetsTools. If AssetsTools is too complicated, you can also try UnityPy which has a simpler api with the cost of supporting less assets.
Many newer Unity games (especially non-pc games) are compiled with il2cpp which means that out of the box, UABEA cannot correctly deserialize any MonoBehaviour scripts. This is especially obvious when you export dump and import dump and find the file size much smaller. To fix this, dump il2cpp dummy dlls using a tool like il2cppdumper or cpp2il. Then, create a folder called Managed in the same directory as the assets file/bundle file you want to open and copy all the dummy dlls generated with the tool you used into that folder.
Supported versions | Unity 4-2019.3 | Unity 5-2020.3 |
Class data editor | Yes | No |
Standalone .exe creator | Yes | No |
Package creator | Yes | Yes, but bundles aren't supported yet |
Bundle > compress to memory | No | Yes |
Assets info > Dependencies | Yes | No |
Assets info > Containers | Yes | No |
Plugins > AudioClip | Yes | No |
Plugins > Mesh | Yes | No |
Plugins > MovieTexture | Yes | No |
Plugins > SubstanceArchive | Yes | No |
Plugins > TerrainData | Yes | No |
Plugins > UMAMesh | Yes | No |
And more I probably forgot about... |