Helm plugin to push chart package to ChartMuseum.
This project is forked from chartmuseum/helm-push.
Some modifications has been made to meet the security requirements on Alibaba Cloud:
- the plugin is able to talk to auth server to gain a Bearer Token.
- the plugin is able to use the Bearer Token to download/upload charts to Chartmuseum.
- the plugin registers
(short for Alibaba Cloud Container Registry) as protocol name inplugin.yaml
# make sure you have git installed
yum install -y git
# install plugin
helm plugin install https://github.com/AliyunContainerService/helm-acr
Before you use Alibaba Cloud Container Registry's hosted Helm charts service, you should:
- purchase an ACR Enterprise Edition instance and activate its Helm charts service
- have a Kubernetes cluster and have
helm init
done - make sure you have Internet access to GitHub to download plugin
- create a Helm chart namespace in your ACR Enterprise Edition
# add namespace/repo to your local repository
# please change username/password/namespace/repo/url below
export HELM_REPO_USERNAME=username; export HELM_REPO_PASSWORD=password;
helm repo add demo acr://hello-acr-helm.cn-hangzhou.cr.aliyuncs.com/foo/bar --username ${HELM_REPO_USERNAME} --password ${HELM_REPO_PASSWORD}
# create an empty chart locally
helm create hello-acr
# push the chart
helm push hello-acr demo
# delete local chart
rm -r hello-acr
# update charts index from remote
helm repo update
# show all remote charts
helm search
# fetch the chart we uploaded
helm fetch demo/hello-acr
# delete local repository
helm repo remove demo