Low budget antenna analyzer & DDS with AD9850, Arduino and a small OLED
The idea for this analyzer and first documentation I found on http://www.hamstack.com/project_antenna_analyzer.html. Beric Dunn (K6BEZ) did a great job with this analyzer.
My project extends the original analyzer by three buttons, a small OLED (128x64) and a tiny speaker to control and operate without a PC.
Since I am not a professional programmer you may not to use my code to learn how to do it right. ;-)
Key features are:
- Menue to operate with three buttons with
- Graph or text mode
- Start- and stop frequence, sweep steps
Optional speaker sound on hold frequence with a higher and faster beeps at better SWR (in textmode).
Simple calibration function
Store measures VSWR, start- and end frequency, sweep steps in eeprom.
and for sure optionaly you can use the USB interface to measure, too.
The absolute SWR may not very accurate. But in relative the measure is fine. :)
Atm missing is a detailed information about how to operate (button functions) and the wiring info.
If you are interested please let me know!
Best regards, Stephan (dc8lz)