Примеры карт. Данные здесь выбирать с полным набором станций, например 26.08.2018.
Код для чтения данных. Улучшить производительность функции get_map()
import time
import h5py
import pytz
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime, timezone
def get_sites(pth):
with h5py.File(pth, 'r') as f:
sites = [site for site in f]
return sites
def get_sats(pth, site, fhdf=None):
f = h5py.File(pth, 'r') if not fhdf else fhdf
if site in f:
sats = [sat for sat in f[site]]
if not fhdf:
return sats
def get_data(pth, site, sat, field, fhdf=None):
f = h5py.File(pth, 'r') if not fhdf else fhdf
if site in f and sat in f[site]:
times = f[site][sat][field][:]
if not fhdf:
return times
def get_series(pth, site, sat, field):
ts = get_data(pth, site, sat, 'timestamp')
data = get_data(pth, site, sat, field)
return ts, data
def get_map(pth, time, field):
result = []
timestamp = time.timestamp()
start = timestamp
end = timestamp
sites = get_sites(pth)
f = h5py.File(pth, 'r')
for site in sites:
lat = np.degrees(f[site].attrs['lat'])
lon = np.degrees(f[site].attrs['lon'])
sats = get_sats(pth, site, fhdf=f)
for sat in sats:
timestamps = get_data(pth, site, sat, 'timestamp', fhdf=f)
data = get_data(pth, site, sat, field, fhdf=f)
match = np.where((timestamps >= start) & (timestamps <= end))
data_match = data[match]
for d in data_match:
result.append((d, lon, lat))
if not result:
return None
return np.array(result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
plot_map = True
pth = 'data.h5'
if not plot_map:
timestamps, data = get_series(pth, 'arsk', 'G03', 'dtec_20_60')
times = [datetime.fromtimestamp(t, pytz.utc) for t in timestamps]
plt.scatter(times, data)
plt.xlim(times[0], times[-1])
epoch = datetime(2020, 5, 20, 12, 30, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
before = time.time()
data = get_map(pth, epoch, 'dtec_20_60')
print(f'It took {time.time() - before} sec. to retrieve a map')
val = data[:, 0]
x = data[:, 1]
y = data[:, 2]
plt.scatter(x, y, c=val)
plt.xlim(-180, 180)
plt.ylim(-90, 90)