This program ensures, that Windows computers stay awake even, when the battery configuration is set otherwise and can not be changed. The program works in a 2 step process:
- If the system has been idle for more than 60 seconds, the mouse is moved to the top left corner and one click is performed
- If the system has been idle for less than 60 seconds, the program waites for 60-idletime seconds
The program is written, such that it only uses out-of-the-box python libraries. You only need any (even portable) installation of Python. The default installation can be performed without administration rights if you run the installer for the local user (%appdata%).
After this just copy the "Anti-Lock" file to any location.
Open the cmd or Powershell in the directory you copied the file (shift+rightclick in any empty area of the explorer -> Open Powershell Window) and type:
python '.\Anti-Lock'
You got the same issue on mac os? Here is someone who did the same thing - just way more advanced: