Wfuzz 2.0 - The Web Fuzzer
Coded by:
Christian Martorella ([email protected])
Carlos del ojo ([email protected])
Version 2.0 coded by:
Xavier Mendez ([email protected])
Changelog 2.0:
- Dynamic output printers
- Dynamic payloads
- Multiple payload support (FUZZ, FUZ2Z, ... , FUZnZ)
- Combine payloads using dynamic iterators (zip, chain, product)
- Added list payload
- Added encoder_uri_double_hex
- Added encoder_first_nibble_hex
- Added encoder_second_nibble_hex
- Added encoder_none
- Multiple encodings per payload
- Fixed to FUZZ completely in the URL without hostname or IP or schema (i.e. FUZZ/FUZ2Z)
- Fixed to FUZZ mixing all payload's positions (auth, http method, URL, data)
- Added baseline request functionality
- Added fuzzdb (Attack and Discovery Pattern Database for Application Fuzz Testing)