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Releases: xmikos/simplesoapy


27 Apr 15:31
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  • allow setting gain to 0 dB in constructor


26 Apr 15:33
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  • use SoapySDR getSampleRateRange() method instead of listSampleRates() (if available)
  • set total center frequency of the chain instead of center frequency of RF tunable element (this allows e.g. setting center frequency < 30 MHz on LimeSDR)
  • label is now optional in detect_devices() function (fixes broken detect_devices() on USRP)


24 Mar 16:32
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  • specific fixes for RTL-SDR and SDRplay hardware quirks have been removed (fixed upstream), this also fixes problems with RTL-SDR on Windows
  • new list_stream_args() method for listing stream arguments supported by device
  • new get_gain_range() and get_frequency_range() methods
  • allow setting buffer_size and stream_args in constructor and stream_timeout in start_stream() method
  • use SoapySDR getBandwidthRange() method instead of deprecated listBandwidths() method, our list_bandwidths() method now returns list of ranges instead of list of discrete bandwidths


21 Mar 17:05
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  • allow getting and setting gain of specific amplification elements (get_gain and set_gain methods), you can also pass dict with specific gains to constructor (e.g. gain={'LNA': 28, 'VGA': 12, 'AMP': 0})
  • listing, getting and setting SoapySDR device settings (list_settings, get_setting and set_setting methods), you can also pass dict with specific settings to constructor (e.g. settings={'biastee': 'true'})
  • stream and stream_timeout are now public (it was _stream and _stream_timeout before)
  • all properties (like freq, sample_rate, etc.) now returns actual values from device (not cached values)


20 Mar 15:03
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  • detect_devices() now outputs proper SoapySDR device args (use as_string=True argument to get device args as string)
  • fix missing channel number in start_stream()
  • add list_channels() method to list all available RX channels