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Feature Ideas

xpdota edited this page Dec 6, 2021 · 4 revisions

Quick Trigger Maker

Simple UI for making a trigger based on simple event types and properties.

Triggers based on log line regices (i.e. similar to vanilla ACT triggers) should be trivial to implement, though it would only support network lines.

Map/Replay Support

This would be memory-intensive (or disk-intensive), but I could probably get something like the FFLogs replay function working. Since we capture combatant information once per second by default, we should be able to get a reasonably accurate replay. The problem with the FFLogs replay is that it only works during action, so mechanics like Wormhole tend to just not work very well. This would be able to do it much more effectively.


Similar to above, there should be a way to export and replay data. I'm thinking the way it could work is that when importing, a separate instance of the application could open, with the imported data being the only event source. Then, the "replay" function would allow you to step through and see the state at that point.

However, I'm not sure how the details would work. A simple front-to-back replay would be easy, but making it reversible and seekable is the challenge. I'd probably have to compute intermediate states (either after every event, or timed), which would likely take an absurd amount of memory.

Pulls View

Mostly Done - unfortunately, need reliable pull start detection without relying on Cactbot, which mostly works, but isn't perfect.

I'd like to make a view that shows all pulls and such, similar to what you'd see on FFLogs.

UI Icons

Mostly Done

All of the tables and such could have icons, bars, etc. So for example, the combatants view could have job icons and proper HP/MP bars. The events view could show icons for abilities/buffs and job icons. When I get around to making a "pulls" view, we could have icons for bosses and stuff. Care needs to be taken for performance, but proper table renderers should be more than fast enough without too much CPU load, especially since the really spammy events don't tend to have icons anyway.

"Jump To" icons might be harder (and would have a more noticeable performance impact). Maybe a right click menu? Speaking of which, I need a normal right click menu so you can copy things from tables.

In-Game Overlay

In progress - DoT tracker done, CD tracker needs data.

Not sure what the best implementation would be. Could either go for web-based (i.e. someone else would be doing the actual work) or some kind of transparent window.

Sequential Triggers

For triggers that cover a sequence of events, it would be nice to be able to write it like this:

class Something extends SequentialEventHandler {
	@HandleEventsSequentially(timeout = 20000)
	// Initial event is optional - you could omit it if, for example, if your initial condition
	// is multiple events
	void myMethod(SomeEvent initialEvent) {
		// wait fixed time
		// Wait for another event
		OtherEvent secondEvent = waitEvent(
				// Event class
				// Event condition
				e -> e.getSomething() == 5);
		// Wait again
		List<FooEvent> otherEvents = waitEvents(
				// Event class
				// Event condition
				e -> e.isNice(),
				// How many of the event we'd like
				count -> count,
				// minimum timeout - will continue even if we haven't hit the minimum number
				// Maxmimum timeout - will abort if we hit this time even if we haven't hit the desired number
		queueEvent(new StuffEvent(otherEvents));

Here, the 'sleep' would NOT squat on the event pump thread - this whole thing would be processed in its own thread.

9th Man

Since this can be run remotely, you could have a 9th man watching the raid, or even making triggers in real-time, and setting them up without the players needing to touch anything.

Target/Focus Target Support

OverlayPlugin supports this, shouldn't be hard.