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Release 2.1.0

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@xpple xpple released this 13 Sep 16:46
· 17 commits to master since this release

This release introduces two new features and some bug fixes!

  • Added the onChange config attribute (#10). You can now register a function that is called whenever a specific config is updated. For example:
    @Config(onChange = "onChange")
    public static List<String> exampleOnChange = new ArrayList<>(List.of("xpple, earthcomputer"));
    private static void onChange(List<String> oldValue, List<String> newValue) {"exampleOnChange was updated | old: {}, new: {}", oldValue, newValue);
  • Added global change hook (#11). This allows you to register a global function that is called whenever any config is updated. For example:
    new ModConfigBuilder<>("<mod id>", Configs.class)
        .registerGlobalChangeHook(event ->"{} was updated | old: {}, new: {}", event.config(), event.oldValue(), event.newValue()))
  • Added Tatar translations (#8 by Amirhan-Taipovjan-Greatest-I)