Design of a simple MP3 player that respects a VLSI Design Flow and uses VHDL as the hardware description language.
The goal is to implement it with a FPGA system, including the specification of timing constraints, pin assignment, synthesis, placement&routing (P&R), as well as bitstream generation.
All modules are interconnected, as represented in the Signals System Map below.
The MP3 Player User Manual contains:
- the controller keys
- the available functions and features
- the expected LCD screen layout
- Xilinx Virtex-II Pro XC2VP30-7FF896C FPGA (2448Kbit BRAM, 30816 logic cells)
- AC’97 audio chip
- Keypad (with PS/2)
- 16x2 LCD
FSM of Play subsystem, responsible for applying commands from the controller and stopping the data flow.
FSM of Monitor subsystem, responsible for aquiring music data and managing availability of other components (e.g.decoder).