ovrvnc is a simple VNC client for Oculus Go.
- Performance
- Supporting Tight encoding (with optimal parameters) and Continuous updates extensions enable us to watch HD video.
- Latency
- Decoding, rendering and sending input events are all asynchronous.
- Visual
- Use cylindrical layers with optimal resolution, sRGB gamma-corrected interpolation, chromatic aberration correction and 72Hz refresh rate.
- Support multiple connection.
- Customize with configuration file.
Many features above are provided by the thirdparty libraries: TigerVNC, libjpeg-turbo, cpptoml, etc. Thanks!
Currently ovrvnc is in pre-alpha stage.
Download ovrvnc-release.apk.
$ adb uninstall net.mimosa_pudica.ovrvnc
$ adb install ovrvnc-release.apk
$ vi ovrvnc.toml # configure host, password, etc. See below.
$ adb push ovrvnc.toml /sdcard/
Minimal example of /sdcard/ovrvnc.toml
host = "hogehoge"
More complex example:
#color = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
image = "/sdcard/Pictures/equirect.jpg"
host = ""
#port = 5900
#password = ""
latitude = -15.0
#longitude = 0.0
#lossy = true
use_pointer = false
#pixel_scaling = 1.0
host = ""
password = "hogehoge"
latitude = -15.0
longitude = 180.0
Try to stop a compositor (compton, etc.) when you see tearing.
Although RFB protocol is old, I think it is still a simple and good protocol. With Tight encoding and Continuous update extensions, you can watch the HD video through the VNC without any hardware encoder.
The latency and throughput of ovrvnc heavily depends on a server program and its configuration. In many cases, the bottleneck is a CPU, not a network.
For Xorg users: x0vncserver >= 1.9 bundled in TigerVNC with following arguments is recommended.
x0vncserver --comparefb=1 --maxprocessorusage=100
For Windows users: I don't know whether TightVNC (!= TigerVNC, it seems broken on Windows) or UltraVNC is better. Note that both of them do not seem to support continuous updates thus the performance is not optimal. When using UltraVNC, "Poll Full Screen" and "Desktop Duplication" options improves the performance and the stability (I don't know it is the best configuration).
See also mfxvnc.
XXX: more explanation.
export ANDROID_HOME=...
export OCULUS_SDK_PATH=...
$ANDROID_HOME/tools/sdkmanager "build-tools;27.0.3" "platforms;android-21"
patch -p1 -i ../../patch/oculus_mobile_sdk_120.patch
cd -
cd thirdparty/tigervnc
patch -p1 -i ../../patch/tigervnc_optimized_unstable.patch
cd -
cd thirdparty/libjpeg-turbo
cd -
The code in this repository except submodules in thirdparty/
is distributed
under the MIT license.
ovrvnc uses TigerVNC as library and it is distributed under the GPL. The other libraries (libjpeg-turbo, cpptoml) are under the MIT/BSD-style license.