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Release Checklist

Yannis Guyon edited this page Feb 1, 2024 · 4 revisions

This is a helpful checklist on making a new libavif release.


  • Come up with a new version number! For the purposes of this checklist, I'll use 6.7.7 as the old version, and 6.7.8 as the new one.
  • If this is a new release from a release branch, make sure all applicable critical patches from the main branch were cherry-picked into the release branch.
    The following command line lists the commits since the 6.7.7 release that are part of main but not yet on the 6.7.x branch, and which only impact files in the core library (src/*):
    git log --oneline main ^v6.7.x --since $(git show -s --date=format:'%Y-%m-%d' --format=%cd $(git merge-base v6.7.7 v6.7.x)) -- src/*
  • Make sure each relevant change or fix has its own entry in the file.
    To do so, click the CHANGELOG link. At the top of the page, there is an Unreleased link which is a shortcut to GitHub's list of every commit since the previous release. Use this to audit the current Unreleased CHANGELOG's list of Added/Changed/Removed and update it accordingly.
    Alternatively, the following command line lists the commits on the 6.7.x branch since the 6.7.7 release:
    git log --oneline v6.7.x ^v6.7.7
  • Run the test suite (ctest) in Release, Debug (with assertions enabled) and sanitized builds. All tests must pass.
  • Reproduce the bugs listed as CHANGELOG entries with the previous release and verify the bugs are fixed in the new release.
  • For a minor or patch release, check there is no API change:
    git diff v6.7.7 -- include/avif/avif.h
  • For a patch release, check there is no ABI change (abidiff is part of abigail-tools):
    for TAG in v6.7.7 v6.7.x; do \
      git clone -b ${TAG} --depth 1 libavif_${TAG} && \
      cmake -S libavif_${TAG} -B libavif_${TAG}/build && \
      cmake --build libavif_${TAG}/build --parallel \
    ; done && \
    abidiff libavif_v6.7.7/build/ libavif_v6.7.x/build/
  • Update the CHANGELOG
    • Add a new header for the new version. It should look like ## [6.7.8] - 2021-09-22
    • Add/Update the links at the very bottom of the CHANGELOG. Unreleased should link to the new version ...HEAD, such as, and you must add a new line that links your new version to the range since the last release, such as [6.7.8]:
  • Update CMakeLists.txt versions
    • Update the VERSION in the project() line near the top to the new version.
    • Bump the SOVERSION (LIBRARY_VERSION_*), following the documentation above it. SOVERSION's values are not intended to correspond with libavif's version, but simply be incremented correctly as library compatibility changes.
  • Update the version in avif.h
    • Set AVIF_VERSION_* values to correspond to your new version's values, and be sure to set AVIF_VERSION_DEVEL to 0.
  • Send a Pull Request with all these changes. Typically the commit message is the name of the new release, such as: git commit -a -m v6.7.8
  • Immediately update avif.h one more time, setting AVIF_VERSION_DEVEL back to 1. This can be done in another Pull Request.
    Alternatively this can be done as a second commit in the previous Pull Request, but "Rebase and merge" MUST be used instead of "Squash and merge".
  • Publish a new tag and a new release on GitHub:
    • Choose a tag > v6.7.8 > Create new tag on publish
    • Target > Recent Commits > v6.7.8
    • Title: v6.7.8
    • Description: Copy the relevant CHANGELOG block ("Added"/"Changed" sections)
    • Click on "Publish release"
  • Some binary artifacts should be added by the CI to the release after some time. Make sure they exist and work.
  • Announce the new release, for example on the [email protected] and [email protected] mailing lists.


This section contains useful examples of what a release looks like.

Major release from the main branch


Minor release from the main branch


Minor release from a release branch
