Author: echo|staff || [email protected] Online @ ::
---| echo|zine issue #31 ( 17-2-17 )
- Introduction .............................................. echo|staff
- Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
- Prophile on ngangur/wa- ........................................ az001
- Exploiting Deserialization in Web App (PHP & Python) .......... farisv
- Belati: Collecting Public Data & Public Document ......... Petruknisme
- Re-Prototipe The New Hak5 Device .............................. smrx86
- Hacker Logbook: SSF, New Era of Tunneling ................ Petruknisme
- Brainfvck Programming ....................................... d.m0nk3y
- New Comer Series: Berkenalan Dengan OpenStack ............... Cyberheb
- Local & International News ..................................... az001
---| echo|zine issue #30 ( 15-1-15 )
- Introduction .............................................. echo|staff
- Prophile on tinyhack ........................................... az001
- Finding 0day on inet 4g modem for phun and fun ............... y3dips
- Rooting Android .............................................. yohanes
- Basic Binary RE for Phun .................................... d.m0nk3y
- Newcomer Series: SCADA ....................................... Harjuna
- Art of backdooring ..................................... Arief Tirtana
- Open URL Redirection Attack ............................... Yoko Acc
- Hacker LogBook: Phun with RFID and Proxmark3 .................. y3dips
- Local & International News ..................................... az001
---| echo|zine issue #29 ( 1-4-14 )
- Introduction .............................................. echo|staff
- Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
- Exploiting echo2014 ctf teaser2 ............................ d.m0nk3y
- Dasar-dasar Keamanan Password ........................ Rizki Wicaksono
- USSD Attack dengan mr3020 auto rickroll ....................... SMRX86
- Running Raspberry Pi on Windows & Linux ................. jos_ali_joe
- NewComer Series ................................ m4d_d0g, joko tingkir
- Prophile on Rizki Wicaksono ................................... az001
- Local & International News ..................................... az001
- Hacker Log Book: Wireless Intrusion Detection System ......... lirva32
---| echo|zine issue #28 ( 11-12-13 )
- Introduction .............................................. echo|staff
- Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
- Pengantar untuk melakukan Pentest Aplikasi berbasis IOS ...... y3dips
- Crack Android 3x3 Pattern Lock ............................... smrx86
- Leonardo Da Ninja (LeoZero) - One Click Pwned! ........ budi khoirudin
- Android Forensic : Extracting Data From Memory Aquisition .. d.m0nk3y
- Panduan Praktis Dijital Forensik ......................... patusacyber
- Hacker Log Book: Tehnik Menyerang IP Camera .................. lirva32
- Bypass Transparent DNS: dadah dadah :p .... az001
- Local & International News ..................................... az001
---| echo|zine issue #27 ( 31-3-13 )
- Introduction .............................................. echo|staff
- Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
- SSH tunneling magic ........................................ d.m0nk3y
- Analisis Lock Screen pada Android Phone ................ farrel.mathew
- NewComer Series: "Pentest: Privilege escalation" .............. y3dips
- Local & International News .................................... az001
- Turn a Mobile Phone into a BTS .............................. d.m0nk3y
- Hacker Log Book: Abusing D-Link DWR-112 Shareport ............ lirva32
- (Non)Priv8 exploit collection ................................. y3dips
---| echo|zine issue #26 ( 12-12-12 )
- Introduction .............................................. echo|staff
- Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
- Local & International News .................................... az001
- Wireless Scanning dengan Scapy ................. Weeerrrrr~ | Din din!
- Windows Privileges Escalation ............................... d.m0nk3y
- Web Pentesting Logic ..................................... lonehacker
- NewComer Series: Introduction to SDR ........................ d.m0nk3y
- Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET) .......................... patusa.cyber
- Bermain dengan celah backdoor pada VSFTPd 2.3.4 ............... y3dips
- Hacker Log Book: Exploiting Windows 7 via JAM ................... nimo
- HTRPi (Home Teather Raspberry Pi) ......................... rampuriezt
- w-g-o-e-f ...................................................... az001
---| echo|zine issue #25 ( 27-04-2012 )
- Introduction .................................................. y3dips
- Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
- Prophile on d.m0nk3y ........................................... az001
- Interview : Nyit-Nyit.Net (N3) Community ....................... az001
- Introduction to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)...... rampuriezt
- Hacker Log Book: Attacking IP Camera 4 lulz ................ d.m0nk3y
- Secure Fax dengan PGP dan QRCode .......................... rampuriezt
- Mobile Pentesting Suite : Nokia N900 PwnPhone ......... budi khoirudin
- ROOTKIT: Renyah, Enak, dan Gurih .................. dextone & stnmrshx
- Wireless : Channel Jamming ................................... lirva32
- NewComer Series: Introduction to GSM Network and OpenBTS .... d.m0nk3y
---| echo|zine issue #24 ( 11-11-2011 )
- Introduction .................................................. y3dips
- Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
- Developing Blackberry Anti Spyware Application ................ y3dips
- RPM as Backdoor ...................................... Mulyadi Santosa
- Developing Openssh Backdoor for Fun and Sh*t .......... Monkey D Luffy
- Voip Hacking 101 ............................................. lirva32
- CTF Online IDSECCONF 2011 Write Up............................ the_day
- Hacker Log Book: WP TimThumb Exploitation ................ jos_ali_joe
- Local and International News ................................... az001
- NewComer Series: Introduction to Penetration Testing ... _patusa.cyber
---| echo|zine issue #23 ( 31-12-2010 )
- Introduction .................................................. y3dips
- Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
- Prophile on chainloader .........................................az001
- What`s goin on Echo Forum ........................... anonymous-co-ed
- Low Cost 3D Scanner........................................ rampuriezt
- In The Name Of Alternate Return Into the Path ...... Pachin Kuro Kuro
- Monitoring Suhu Ruangan berbasis TCP.IP ................... rampuriezt
- Stack Tracing di executable (linux binary).................. the_hydra
- Journal: JailBreaking............................................. rey
- Local & International News.. ................................... az001
- NewComer Series: Menganalisa Paket Jaringan dengan TCPDUMP .de_templar
- Hacker LogBook..........................................anton, lirva32
---| echo|zine issue #22 ( Mei 2010 )
- Introduction .................................................. y3dips
- Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
- Prophile on dfox ................................................az001
- What`s goin on Echo Forum ........................... anonymous-co-ed
- Cara Praktis Cracking Aplikasi Mac OS X ....................... grumpy
- Riding the XSS, Spr34c1 t3h Ph34r .......................... Cyberheb
- CTF ONLINE IDSECCONF 2009; Apa dan Bagaimana ................ the_day
- Gebuk Stack Protector ............................... BrazilianSubZero
- Exploitasi Captcha: Kebangkitan Sang Robot..................... y3dips
- Social Networking: Bot/Botnet Command & Control Center Channel.. az001
download compressed version issue #22 = 45.3 KB
---| echo|zine issue #21 ( September 2009 )
- Introduction .................................................. y3dips
- Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
- Prophile on Rey .................................................az001
- Newcomer series: Parameter argc dan argv[] ...................... Rey
- Web Security Yin Yang ......................................... gentoo
- Null Pointer Dereference: Theory, Bug, eksploit ............ Cyberheb
- What`s goin on Echo Forum ........................... anonymous-co-ed
- Local and International News ................................... az001
- Hacker Logbook: WEP-Buster : WEP Cracking Automator........... lirva32
download compressed version issue #21 = 45.3 KB
---| echo|zine issue #20 ( Pebruari 2009 )
- Introduction .................................................. y3dips
- Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
- Interview with Onno W Purbo......................................az001
- What`s goin on echo forum ............................anonymous-co-ed
- Intercepting Library Call ............................ mulyadi santosa
- Caesar Shift Cipher............................................... Rey
- ARPWall; Konsep dan Pembuktian ............................... y3dips
- Encryption: Algoritma Combo .................................... jackD
- Prophile on Jck.mrshl ................-----................. echostaff
- Enkripsi dan Dekripsi dengan Fungsi Mcrypt di PHP............ monqichi
- Salty Py; Password Salt Bruteforcer .. sheran gunasekera & selwin ong
- Anti-Forensic; Seek and Destroy .............................jck.mrshl
- Hacker LogBook....................................lirva 32; x-diamond1
download compressed version issue #20 = 52.5 KB
---| echo|zine issue #19 ( Agustus 2008 )
- Introduction .................................................. y3dips
- Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
- idsecconf ................................................. echo|staff
- Digital Signature secara gampangnya ......................... mamasexy
- cryptography : Simple a-symetric algorithm................. x-diamond1
- Prophile on CyberTank Prophile on lirva32 ....................................... echo|staff
- Whats Goin On Echo Forum ....................................... az001
- Bailiwicked DNS Attack (Cache Poisoning) .................... Cyberheb
- Scapy: obrak-abrik paket data ................................. y3dips
- Hacker LogBook ........................................ various artist
download compressed version issue #19 = 44 KB
---| echo|zine issue #18 ( Maret 2008 )
- Introduction .................................................. y3dips
- Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
- Prophile on az001 ......................................... echo|staff
- vmsplice() bug analysis ....................................... y3dips
- AuraCMS Security Code Exploitation in details .............. NTOS TEAM
- CSRF the Introduction ........................................... L41n
- Interview with "[email protected]" .................. echo|staff
- Hack your Sense Of Humor ....................................... K-159
- Whats goin on echo forum ............................. anonymous-co-ed
- Hackers Logbook: Hands on hacking .................... various artist
download compressed version issue #18 = 31.5 KB
---| echo|zine issue #17 ( Jan - juli 2007 )
- Introduction .................................................. y3dips
- Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
- Prophile on Pushm0v ........................................ echo|stff
- How to make Your own AV [part2] .............................. Pushm0v
- Hardening Linux Configuration Files .......................... Ph03n1X
- Interview With KOSHA ................................. anonymous-co-ed
- Simple ActiveX for your breakfast ............................ Pushm0v
- Whats goin on echo forum ............................. anonymous-co-ed
- Simple Portknocking:Membuka Akses Firewall Melalui Network .... theday
- ICMP Tunneling pada Wireless Hotspot ........................... az001
- Hackers Logbook: Hands on hacking ........................ echo|staff 11a. Playin with HoneyWeb ................................. lirva32 11b. MD5 cracking ...................................... bl4ck_4n6el 11c. Flooding AP dengan Void11 ............................. lirva32 11d. Batch Script Collection ........................
download compressed version issue #17 = 43,4 KB
---| echo|zine issue #16 ( Sept 2006 - Jan 2007 )
- Introduction .............................................. y3dips
- Pseudo-random .......................................... anonymous
- Interview : virologi ............................. anonymous-co-ed
- Hash functions: dead or alive ............................ mey lee
- Mysql hack ................................................. az001
- Simple Password Generator ............................ mr hidrogen
- Whats goin on echo forum ......................... anonymous-co-ed
- Wireless Hotspot (Bagian I) ................. willhackforbandwidth
download compressed version issue #16 = 32 KB
---| echo|zine issue #15 (Echo special Issue) ( Jul - Sept 2006 )
- Introduction .......................................... echo|staff
- Pseudo-random ......................................... echo|staff
- Profile: EcHo ......................................... echo|staff
- Membangun Sebuah NIPS .................................... the_day
- Mengurangi kadar Impotensi Microsoft IIS ................. lirva32
- Strace untuk analisa eksekusi .................... anonymous-co-ed
- 101 A Bluetooth [in]Security .............................. y3dips
- Notes : Hackers , Fact n Fiction .......................... y3dips
- Hackers Logbook ----| 09a. Hijack Yahoo Account Dengan Trojan ................. lirva32
download compressed version issue #15 = 35 KB
---| echo|zine issue #14 ( Feb - Jun 2006 )
- Introduction .......................................... echo|staff
- Pseudo-random ......................................... echo|staff
- Profile: cyb3rh3b ..................................... echo|staff
- Algoritma Enkripsi One Time Pad .......................... cR45H3R
- Nemesis Attacks: TCP Hijacking dan Man-in-the-Middle ..... Ph0ni3x
- Psikologi Penulis Virus ................................ Spyro Kid
- Shellcode ............................................... Cyb3rh3b
- Message Authentication Code dan Implementasinya ...... Amri Shodiq
- Hackers Logbook ----| 09a. Tips PHP Injection ............................ XBOX360LIVE ----| 09b. Takeover Yahoo! Account atau account lainnya .... Spyro Kid
download compressed version issue #14 = 35 KB
---| echo|zine issue #13 ( Nov - Jan 2006 )
- Introduction ........................................... echo staff
- Pseudo-random .......................................... anonymous
- Interview: the_hydra ................................... echo staff
- Artificial Neural Network dan Security ................. Cyb3rh3b
- Dilema Etika IT Security Professional ................. an0maly
- 0second: Meet The Bugs ................................. y3dips
- SSH Private Key Cracker ................................ anonymous
- Network Security 101: Teori dan Prinsip ................ an0maly
- Simple Password Management ............................. digital junkie
- Hackers Logbook ........................................ (dR4GGy, anonymous, jomblo_keparat) download compressed version issue #13 = 62 KB
---| echo|zine issue #12 ( Mei - Agustus 2005 )
- Introduction .......................................... echo|staff
- Pseudo-random ......................................... echo|staff
- Hackers Profile (xnuxer, sakitjiwa) ................... echo|staff
- CDMA Cloning Pada Samsung SCH-N356 ......................... Fel_C
- Mengenal Algoritma Enkripsi RSA ........................ hornygeek
- Memanfaatkan Misconfigured SMTPServer SebagaiAgen DDoS hyponemesis
- Dashboard Widget Trojan............................ digital junkie
- Luhn Formula .............................................. 1411v
- Hackers Logbook ............................... (sakitjiwa, 1411v)
download compressed version issue #12 = 24 KB
---| echo|zine issue #11 (Maret - Mei 2005 )
- Introduction .......................................... echo|staff
- Pseudo-random ......................................... echo|staff
- echo|zine Article Guidelines .......................... echo|staff
- Digital Forensic: Investigasi Insiden Keamanan .......... Biatch-X
- Menyembunyikan IP Address Saat Browsing .................. Lirva32
- Netcat: Network Swiss Army Knife .................. digital junkie
- Menghapus Backdoor SShDoor/ShV4 .......................... the_day
- w[x]f Project ............................................. y3dips
- Simple Encryption/Decryption Menggunakan OpenSSL ..... hyponemesis
download compressed version issue #11 = 28 KB
---| echo|zine issue #10 (Januari - Februari 2005 )
- Intro ................................................. echo|staff
- Interview Dengan negative ............................. echo|staff
- Si Kabayan Belajar Windows Registry ..................... Al_k_000
- Virus Assembly Menggunakan TASM dan TLINK ................. dR4GGy
- Keyboard Hacking Pada Windows ............................ lirva32
- Modifikasi Virus Friday 13H ........................... familycode
- HTTP Fingerprint / Banner Grabbing ....................... the_day
- Windows Malware Removal .................................... vladb
- Google Hacking ............................................. Zylon
- Exploitasi Windows XP (Fat32) .............................. [mRt]
download compressed version issue #10 = 31 KB
---| echo|zine issue #9 ( Nopember - Desember 2004 )
- INTRO ................................................. echo|staff
- Trojan And Their Future .................................. @difigo
- CrackAdmin Password (Mac OS x)................................ AgD
- Nokia Bug COde ............................................. Al_k
- Lebih lanjut di Security Postfix [Part 1]............ antonrahmadi
- REMOTE "BACKSHELL" dengan NETCAT ........................... az001
- Network Security (hacking) : Fun or Profit ? ............ Biatch-x
- Trik Mendapatkan Password email dengan PHP+MySQL ........... Comex
- Cara membuat program perusak (Seperti Virus)........... familycode
- Phreaking Di TUCs (Telepon Umum Coin)....................... Fel_c
- VMS Basic Commands ........................................ ramius
- Ezine st0ry ............................................... y3dips
- ECHO Skrapt 2004 ................................ y3dips && K-159
- Interview With ............................................. Comex
download compressed version issue #9 = 60 KB
---| echo|zine issue #8 (September - Oktober 2004)
- INTRO .................................................. echo|staff
- Show hidden File n folder on Mac OS X ......................... AgD
- Social Reverse-Engineering ............................... Biatch-X
- Webdav Mass Scanner ......................................... bima_
- SQL (Structured Query Languange) Part I ................... Bithedz
- Mengelabuii Nmap OS Fingerprinting ........................ \conan\
- DDOS dengan TRIn00 ................................... hilman_hands
- Mendapatkan IP dari Internet Messengers .................... idkhai
- Diskless K12LTSP base on REDHAT 9 #1 ...................... lirva32
- Diskless K12LTSP base on REDHAT 9 #2 ...................... lirva32
- Exploitasi WEB SERVER dengan XSS .............................. mrt
- Basic vi commands ....................................... SakitJiwa
- Online lewat IRC dengan IPV6 ............................ SakitJiwa
- Instalasi PGP dan cara memakainya ....................... SakitJiwa
- Merakit Telnetd / rlogin ................ syzwz/bosen/SakitJiwa/1st
- Tutorial singkat BitchX ................................. SakitJiwa
- IRC melalui TELNET ......................................... sandal
- Exploit 4 Becommunity (Testing Only) ...................... y3dips
- Membuat program kecil untuk Flashdisk ...................... y3dips
- F.A.Q for NEWBIES Version 1.0 .............................. y3dips
- Full Path Disclosures review ............................... y3dips
- Bug Telkomsel full ......................................... yudhax
- Tutorial John The Ripper (JTR) .............................. zylon
download compressed version issue#8 = 88 KB
---| echo|zine issue #7 (Juli - Agustus 2004)
- Intro................................................... echo|staff
- Menjadi Admin Forum PHP nuke 7.2.0 ....................... Andr3^81
- Comersus Shopping Cart 5.098 XSS Vul ........................ az001
- IHACK#01.e-Zine .......................................... basher13
- IHACK#02.e-Zine .......................................... basher13
- Linux Security On-The-Fly ( Part I )...................... biatch-x
- Automatically post comment to Jasakom ....................... bima_
- Melindungi password admin XP ............................... Frendy
- Membuat fullscreen webpage iseng ........................... Frendy
- Stacheldraht"DDOS" ................................... Hilman_hands
- Hacking_Motherboard_Socket_7 ............................ Hyp3rlink
- Proteksi Web Dari SQL Injection ........................... inue_99
- Tutorial Enkripsi vbsworm[1] ................................. knot
- Tutorial Enkripsi vbsworm[2] ................................. knot
- Instalasi psyBNC2.3.1 For Windows ....................... Lieur-Euy
- Trik menghemat ADSL ....................................... lirva32
- Hentikan infeksi virus myheart2 .......................... Newbeast
- Implementasi IPv6 pada OS linux ..................... pangeran_biru
- Pengenalan IPv6 ..................................... pangeran_biru
- Hacking Situs E-Gold ......................................... rrrr
- Mengaktifkan sendmail pada mac OSX ...................... SakitJiwa
- Tutup port Anda .............................................. S'to
- Trik Meningkatkan Security Linux Box ...................... /conan/
- Pentingnya perintah echo dan karakter '>' ................... y1h44
- Virtual Local Area Network ................................. y3dips
- Trik telepon gratis ........................................ yudhax
download compressed version issue #7 = 129 KB
---| echo|zine issue #6 (Mei - Juni 2004)
- INTRO .................................................. echo|staff
- DEFACING WiTH ...................... m_beben (#kartubeben)
- DEFACING WiTH WEBFOLDER ..................... m_beben (#kartubeben)
- Scanning with Nmap ................................. Auth: Biatch-X
- Hacking Net Bios Windows 2000 sp 1 ................... inue_99 Csrg
- Jenis-Jenis Backdooring Pada WebServer || ................. the_day
- Exploit Mandrake 9.0 Local root ............................the_day
- Teknik Remote Connect-Back Shell .......................... the_day
- BUG SMS SATELINDO ......................................... yudhax
- Mail Palsu dengan PHP .................................... Andr3^81
- IntervieW [*NEW] with [echo|staff] K-159-prophile.txt S'to-prophile.txt download compressed version issue #6 = 43 KB
---| echo|zine issue #5 (Maret - April 2004)
- INTRO .................................................. echo|staff
- StarDawn#1 ............................................... Basher13
- StarDawn#2 ............................................... Basher13
- Perkenalan CMS+portal GPL ................................... comex
- MIMA ...................................................... Fleanux
- My Gallery Injection .................................... Juventini
- Pengenalan Port ......................................... Juventini
- Anonmailer ................................................... m0by
- Gabung Kamus Kata 4 BFA .................................... Sandal
- Hack-ling in d' Mall ....................................... Sandal
- Rental chaosing ............................................ Sandal
- Backdooring Windows XP ..................................... y3dips
- Securing windows XP ........................................ y3dips
- Trace RPC Exploits ......................................... y3dips
- Kompilasi Kernel 2.6.x ................................... z3r0byt3
- Hack at web Design Competition .......................... Hyperlink
- Seni menebak password ........................................ m0by
- IntervieW [*NEW] with (echo|staff) y3dips-prophile.txt the_day-prophile.txt moby-prophile.txt
download compressed version issue #5 = 74 KB
---| echo|zine issue #4 (Januari - Pebruari 2004)
- INTRO ................................................... echostaff
- open relay mail server .................................... the_day
- XSS ....................................................... the_day
- mengatasi worm agobot ..................................... the_day
- hacking windows 2000 ...................................... the_day
- firewall ................................................... y3dips
- virus komputer ............................................. y3dips
- tarballz ................................................... y3dips
- password : tips + trik ..................................... y3dips
- defacing ; all about (v 1.0) ............................... y3dips
- instalasi dan konfigurasi DJBDNS ......................... z3r0byt3
download compressed version issue #4 = 38 KB
---| echo|zine issue #3 (Desember 2003)
- INTRO ................................................... echostaff
- teknik pencariian pada search engine ........................ de^wa
- tips penggunaan wget ........................................ de^wa
- BUGs pada dan ....................... kamesywara
- Algoritma sederhana untuk menjadi Hacker ..................... moby
- seni dan filsavat hacking v.01 .............................. moby
- hacker hall of fame .......................................... moby
- tingkat masyarakat hacker .................................... moby
- analisa jaringan dengan ping dan traceroute ................ samuel
- membuat proxy server ....................................... samuel
- membuat server dial-in ..................................... samuel
- mengenal batch proraming ................................... y3dips
- tips&&trick di warnet ...................................... y3dips
- jaringan [QUESTION] ........................................ y3dips
- interogasi email anda ...................................... y3dips
- deteksi penyusup jaringan ................................. the_day
- main dengan registry windows .............................. the_day
- spamming ................................................ z3r0byt3
download compressed version issue #3 = 48 KB
---| echo|zine issue #2 (nopember 2003)
- pengantar echo-zine 02 ................................. echo staff
- new hacker manifesto ................ phrack staff (
- sekelumit dunia linux [bagian 2] ........................... y3dips
- open source definition ..................
- kenapa aku tidak mau jadi Script Kiddies ................... y3dips
- ddos ......................................................... moby
- pengenalan jaringan [bagian 2] ............................. y3dips
- virus [bagian 2] .......................................... the_day
- dos pada apache ............................................ y3dips
- kenalan dikit sama perl .................................... y3dips
- hacking unix 4 newbies .................................... the_day
- netsend bomberz ............................................ y3dips
- SQL injection[1] .......................................... the_day
download compressed version issue #2 = 39 KB
---| echo|zine issue #1 (oktober 2003)
- perkenalan tentang ezine ............................... echo staff
- profhile on ................................. echo staff
- sekelumit dunia linux [bagian 1] ........................... y3dips
- sedikit tentang open source samuel (
- all about hacking .................................... from outside
- all about hacking ............................................ moby
- pengenalan jaringan [bagian 1] ............................. y3dips
- virus [bagian 1] ........................................... y3dips
- W32.welchia.worm .......................................... y3dips
- blaster kode ...................................
download compressed version issue #1 = 37 KB
echo|zine issue 1-31, 17/2/17. ISSN IDUN-CARE Copyright (c) 2003-2017 echo|zine. All right reversed.
echo|zine -- dari staff (contributors), oleh staff (lazy editors),
untuk SEMUA (You! YES, YOU!)