This is a scrobbler for Home Assistant media players. It will scrobble your listens to your account. I wrote it for a number of reasons, but the net of it is that I wanted a single scrobbling solution across the few players that I use and i wanted it to scrobble both listens from my own library as well as streaming content. Moreover, I was looking for something to practice/learn more python. The full-readme has more background and details.
To install and use, follow these steps. It can work with yaml based automation or Node-RED flows. Additionally, these particular installation steps presume that you will run the function in your Home Aassistant machine (be it physical or virtual) - note that it can be a different version of python than used by your Home Assistant instance. The steps below are for yaml based automation. If you wisth to use Node-RED or setup outside of your homeasssistant instance, see the full-readme.
- obtain a account if you don't have one yet and get a API and set up a session key - per instructions in full-readme/
- connect into your .homeassistant directory (e.g., ssh or docker exec in if running in a docker container)
cd ..
- clone the repo to ha-scrobble at this level:
git clone ha-scrobble
. If you're not logged in as the user running hass, chown the ha-scrobble directory to that user. cd ha-scrobble
touch ./ha-scrobble.log
touch ./stackfile.txt
- move to your shell_commands directory, e.g.,
mv ../.homeassistant/shell_commands
- edit and set the account constants and other globals - see hascrobblermd/full-readme for details. Also set the python shebang string (line 1) to the python environment/command you wish to use.
- install requirements.txt to your chosen python environment
- add a yaml automation (see media_automation.yaml in repo) - see full-readme/ for details or for Node-RED flow alternative
- add a shell command to your Home Assistant configuration - here's an example based on media_automation.yaml service call:
process_mpd_data: /home/YOUR-HASS-USER/.homeassistant/shell_commands/ {{ mpd_data }}
- regardless of Node-RED or yaml automation this will pass the media event data to the shell script to start the scrobbling activity. Make sure to replace YOUR-HASS-USER with your actual hass user name in above path. - modify the yaml automation or Node-RED flow as needed to match the media player(s) you use. Read the full-readme/ section on Media Player Events - especially the Event Parsing paragraph if you use players other than forked-daapd, mpd, Jellyfin, Sonos, Spotify, or Plex - these are the players i have tested with so it may take some additional work to make this work for other players.
- set up logrotate per instructions in full-readme/ or per your own preferences
- Scrobble away!