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okram edited this page Jul 11, 2012 · 64 revisions

Titan is a distributed graph database optimized for processing large-scale graphs represented over a cluster of machines. The pluggable storage architecture allows for any database to be configured to work with Titan. However, this distribution provides connectivity to both Cassandra and HBase. Titan is a native Blueprints enabled graph database and as such, it supports the full TinkerPop stack of technologies.

While the Titan project is getting on its way, please use the Gremlin users group at for all Titan related discussions.


SNAPSHOTs are available through the Sonatype repository.
Stable releases are available through Apache’s Central Repository.
Graph graph ="/tmp/local-titan")
Vertex a = graph.addVertex();
Vertex b = graph.addVertex();
a.setProperty("name", "hercules");
b.setProperty("name", "cerberus");
Edge e = graph.addEdge(a, b, "battled");
e.setProperty("time", 12);

Titan JavaDoc: 0.1-alpha

Titan: The Rise of Big Graph Data (Introduction to Graphs and Titan)
Titan: A Highly Scalable, Distributed Graph Database (Introducing and Stress Testing Titan)

The documentation in this wiki is respective of the current master branch, not the latest release. Please refer to the doc directory of a release for release-specific documentation.

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