a big user story issue, holds smaller issues for a larger goal
Highest importance! Work is stopped or testing is blocked
Severe, crashes server, data loss, severe memory leaks
Major importance. Major Bug - loss of function, incorrect output, no good workaround
Minor importance. Minor Bug - loss of function but workaround is possible
Wish list or nice to have, Trivial Bug - cosmetic problem, misspelt words
Game plan, strategy and blueprints needed
work temporarily halted for acceptable reasons
Issue is on ice but we want to do in future
next up, ready to be worked on or go into next work sprint backlog
QA acceptance by end user before close
progress stopped, waiting for reply, more info or design help
Log in harvest, Work on task is billable to a customer
Update or create documentation
tackle these to get started with code base
we welcome help and pull requests
Investigate and discuss. May end up as an epic or set of features or sharpen the saws
issue or idea has legs, Lets plan it, white board it, make it happen
codefu style. make it DRY, add comments, clean it up, do it better
google it, prototype it, think hard, stackoverflow the hell out of it.
don't let the rats in. possibly hole
Learning, habits, get better, get faster
CI, docker, software or hardware stuff
A problem which impairs or prevents this from functioning correctly.
A new brand new feature told as a story
An enhancement to existing features or refactoring
question? make sure docs or FAQ are adjusted accordingly