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Add objective target in bnb options #304

Add objective target in bnb options

Add objective target in bnb options #304

GitHub Actions / Report (solvers) succeeded Jun 13, 2024 in 0s

Report (solvers) ✔️

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
bilevel.xml 9✔️ 11s
bmibnb.xml 71✔️ 87s
bnb.xml 16✔️ 341s
cutsdp.xml 4✔️ 29s
slayer.xml 2✔️ 18s

✔️ bilevel.xml

9 tests were completed in 11s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
test_bilevel_1 9✔️ 11s

✔️ test_bilevel_1

✔️ test1
✔️ test2
✔️ test3
✔️ test4
✔️ test5
✔️ test6
✔️ test7
✔️ test8
✔️ test9

✔️ bmibnb.xml

71 tests were completed in 87s with 71 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
test_bmibnb_bilinearsquares 2✔️ 5s
test_bmibnb_ding2 1✔️ 830ms
test_bmibnb_gamsgpcml 1✔️ 758ms
test_bmibnb_gamsgpkl 1✔️ 902ms
test_bmibnb_gamsrobot1 1✔️ 295ms
test_bmibnb_gamsrobot2 1✔️ 536ms
test_bmibnb_gamsrobot3 1✔️ 411ms
test_bmibnb_gamsrobot4 1✔️ 672ms
test_bmibnb_gamsrobot5 1✔️ 3s
test_bmibnb_integer 1✔️ 1s
test_bmibnb_mpc1 1✔️ 732ms
test_bmibnb_nonlinearktkt 1✔️ 3s
test_bmibnb_nonlinearsdp 2✔️ 41s
test_bmibnb_power 2✔️ 1s
test_bmibnb_probing 1✔️ 852ms
test_bmibnb_propagate_upper 1✔️ 300ms
test_bmibnb_qcqp1 1✔️ 912ms
test_bmibnb_qcqp2 1✔️ 227ms
test_bmibnb_qcqp3 1✔️ 3s
test_bmibnb_qcqp4 1✔️ 6s
test_bmibnb_qcqp5 1✔️ 3s
test_bmibnb_quartic 1✔️ 265ms
test_bmibnb_sahinidis 1✔️ 219ms
test_bmibnb_sin1 1✔️ 946ms
test_bmibnb_sin2 1✔️ 581ms
test_bmibnb_specialfunctions 38✔️ 8s
test_bmibnb_weird1 1✔️ 365ms
test_bmibnb_weird2 1✔️ 293ms
test_bmibnb_weird3 1✔️ 2s
test_bmibnb_weird4 1✔️ 435ms
test_bmibnb_weird5 1✔️ 248ms

✔️ test_bmibnb_bilinearsquares

✔️ test1
✔️ test2

✔️ test_bmibnb_ding2

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_gamsgpcml

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_gamsgpkl

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_gamsrobot1

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_gamsrobot2

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_gamsrobot3

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_gamsrobot4

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_gamsrobot5

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_integer

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_mpc1

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_nonlinearktkt

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_nonlinearsdp

✔️ test1
✔️ test2

✔️ test_bmibnb_power

✔️ test1
✔️ test2

✔️ test_bmibnb_probing

✔️ test_quadratic

✔️ test_bmibnb_propagate_upper

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_qcqp1

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_qcqp2

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_qcqp3

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_qcqp4

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_qcqp5

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_quartic

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_sahinidis

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_sin1

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_sin2

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_specialfunctions

✔️ test_erf
✔️ test_erfc
✔️ test_erfcinv
✔️ test_erfcx
✔️ test_expint
✔️ test_gamma
✔️ test_gammaln
✔️ test_gammainc_x
✔️ test_gammainc_a
✔️ test_gammaincinv_x
✔️ testgammainv_a
✔️ test_cos
✔️ test_acos
✔️ test_cosh
✔️ test_acosh
✔️ test_sin
✔️ test_asin
✔️ test_sinh
✔️ test_asinh
✔️ test_tan
✔️ test_atan
✔️ test_tanh
✔️ test_atanh
✔️ test_sec
✔️ test_asec
✔️ test_sech
✔️ test_asech
✔️ test_cot
✔️ test_acot
✔️ test_coth
✔️ test_acoth
✔️ test_csc
✔️ test_acsc
✔️ test_csch
✔️ test_acsch
✔️ test_airy
✔️ test_beta
✔️ test_sqrtm

✔️ test_bmibnb_weird1

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_weird2

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_weird3

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_weird4

✔️ test1

✔️ test_bmibnb_weird5

✔️ test1

✔️ bnb.xml

16 tests were completed in 341s with 16 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
test_bnb_lpqp 4✔️ 10s
test_bnb_micones 1✔️ 2s
test_bnb_miexoticcones 1✔️ 725ms
test_bnb_misdp 1✔️ 2s
test_bnb_nlp 1✔️ 1s
test_bnb_sdpmiplib 8✔️ 324s

✔️ test_bnb_lpqp

✔️ test_milp
✔️ test_miqp
✔️ test_migp
✔️ test_presolve

✔️ test_bnb_micones

✔️ test_micones

✔️ test_bnb_miexoticcones

✔️ test_miexoticcones

✔️ test_bnb_misdp

✔️ test_misdp

✔️ test_bnb_nlp

✔️ test_minlp

✔️ test_bnb_sdpmiplib

✔️ test_bma
✔️ test_map
✔️ test_ml
✔️ test_diw
✔️ test_colon
✔️ test_random
✔️ test_clique
✔️ test_bar

✔️ cutsdp.xml

4 tests were completed in 29s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
test_cutsdp 4✔️ 29s

✔️ test_cutsdp

✔️ test_diw
✔️ test_colon
✔️ test_clique
✔️ test_bar

✔️ slayer.xml

2 tests were completed in 18s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
test_slayer_linear 1✔️ 6s
test_slayer_nonlinear 1✔️ 12s

✔️ test_slayer_linear

✔️ test_lp_indisguise

✔️ test_slayer_nonlinear

✔️ test_disjoint_hiddenconvex