High turn-over rate of employees brings about additional costs to an organization. This project aims to understand the pattern of attrition with descriptive analysis on historical data and do a predictive modelling on employees' attrition.
Source: @thelead.io
names - Employee's name
satisfaction_level - Employee's satisfaction rating towards the company
last_evaluation - The latest performance evaluation rating from the employer to the employee
number_project - The number of projects handled by the employee in the latest month
average_monthly_hours - The average monthly working hours of the employee
exp_in_company - The number of years an employee has been working in the company
work_accident - Whether there is any work accidents occurred on the employee to date (0 - no; 1 - yes)
left - Whether the employee has left the company (0 - still with the company; 1 - left)
promotion_last_5years - Whether the employee is promoted in the last 5 years (0 - no; 1 - yes)
role - Role of the employee in the company
salary - Salary category of the employee (Low; Medium; High)
- R Programming 4.0.5
- RStudio Version 1.4.1106
- R Packages: reshape2, ggplot2, dplyr, caret
A dashboard for the dataset is done with google data studio HERE.