What is it? • For Whom? • Usage • Tips
Thanks to Template Beamer UFC. This template is modified based on that project.
This project aims to create a template for presentation for the Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). It was created a class called xjtlu_format.cls with a set of environments and commands related to the document. This template is not an official document from the XJTLU. However, this template can be used to create classes, presentations, short courses, etc.
This template can be useful for the XJTLU professors and students.
Professors: for creating classes and presentations
Students: for assignments and presentations
Others: for works and presentations
Copy or download the project.
Overleaf: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/xjtlu-beamer-template/sfrvnnpcsmgh
Github: https://github.com/yaoshanliang/XJTLU-Beamer-Template
Some tips for using this template
- Default Block
\begin{block}{Default Block}
Body of default block.
- Alert Block
\begin{alertblock}{Alert Block}
Body of alert block.
- Example Block
\begin{exampleblock}{Example Block}
Body of example block.
- Example text
\example{Text Example}
- Emphasis text
\emph{Text emphasis}
- Simple Box
\simplebox{testando o simple box}
- Alert Box
\alertbox{testando o alert box}
- Success Box
\successbox{testando o success box}
It is possible to insert codes in this presentation. This template uses two packages for algorithms: algorithm2e
and listings
algorithm2e: Algorithm2e Package Documentation
listings: Listings Package Documentation
The following example shows how to create a pseudocode:
\SetAlgoLined #includes indentation
\LinesNumbered #includes lines number
\Input{write the input}
\Output{write the output}
\KwData{write the data}
\KwResult{Write the result}
\While{While condition}
\caption{How to write algorithms}
The following example shows how to insert a code that is in the project files:
\begin{frame}{Including Codes}
The following example shows how to insert a figure:
\caption{Caption of the Figure}
\source{Source of the Figure}
The following example shows how to insert a multi-columns:
Text of the left side!
Text of the right side!
This template has some custom commands that are described below:
To put the department name
\department{Department Name}
To put the email