This project is an overview of an Event Driven Sales Data Projection data pipeline that Process the Orders data based on their Status and route towards DynamoDB or SQS as per the Business requirement rules. An airline daily data ingestion project using S3, S3 Cloudtrail Notification, Event Bridge Pattern Rule, Glue Crawler, Glue Visual ETL, SNS, Redshift, and Step Function
- we will create a S3 bucket "airline-data-input" to store the airport dimension file and daily input files.
we will create a "airlines" schema in Redshift with both the Tables.
- airport_dim
- daily_flights_fact
Copy the aiports data from S3 to Reshift aiport_dim table.
- first we will create a dummy hive style folder in our S3 and upload a dummy data file to create the crawler.
- S3 Data Input File
- S3 Glue Crawler
- Glue Tables
- we will create a Glue Pipeline "flight-data-ingestion-pipeline" in which we join our daily data with the airport-dim and create a denormalized table for further analysis.
- we will create a SNS Topic "glue-job-notification" and subscribed by your email address to get the notification.
- we will create an Event Rule "Airline-S3-StepFunc-EventRule" Which will triger the State Machine on a Object Creation in airline data S3 bucket.
- we will create an Event Rule "Airline-S3-StepFunc-EventRule" Which will triger the State Machine on a Object Creation in airline data S3 bucket.
we will upload the input flight data csv file in the input S3 bucket which will trigger the State machine using Event Bridge Rule.