This container provides a comprehensive suite of tools for Kubernetes. It is designed to be used in CI/CD pipelines and local development environments.
Images can be found at
- kubeconform (v0.6.7)
- conftest (v0.55.0)
- pluto (v5.20.3)
- trivy (v0.59.0)
- flux (v2.5.1)
- flux operator (v0.16.0)
- istioctl (v1.23.1)
- shellcheck (v0.10.0)
- jsonlint (v1.6.3)
- Kubernetes JSON schemas (version matches kubectl client version) obtained via k8s-schemas.
- Flux CRD schemas (matching installed Flux version)
- Flux Operator CRD schemas (matching installed Flux Operator version)
- All binaries are installed in
- Kubernetes schemas are stored in
- Flux schemas are stored in
- Flux Operator schemas are stored in
- Linting (via CI) using kubeconform, pluto and istioctl.
- Automated with GitHub Actions
- Commits must meet Conventional Commits
- Automated with GitHub Actions (commit-lint)
- Pull Request titles must meet Conventional Commits
- Automated with GitHub Actions (pr-lint)
- Commits must be signed with Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO)
- Automated with GitHub App (DCO)
- Automatic Semantic Releases
Before working with the repository it is mandatory to execute the following command:
make initialise
The above command will install the pre-commit
package and setup pre-commit checks for this repository including conventional-pre-commit to make sure your commits match the conventional commit convention.
To contribute, please read the contribution guidelines. You may also report an issue.