This is a tutorial on how to use geometric deep learning on protein structures.
It's organized in four parts:
- A brief introduction on Deep Neural Networks (DNN)
- A brief introduction on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN): Convolution, Convolutional layers, Pooling layers, Batch normalization, CNN Architectures, ...
- Properties of CNN: such as translational-invariant
- Machine learning concepts: such as Overfitting, Dropouts, and ...
- An application: classification of handwritten digits
- Training and evaluating a model
Google Colab:
- Analyzing amino acids and their environments
- Translation and rotation-invariant representation of the local environment
- An application: prediction of the amino acid with and without considering their surroundings
- Training and evaluating a model
- A discussion on the results
Google Colab:
- An introduction on protein-protein interaction (PPI) and the concept of binding affinity
- An introduction on point mutations
- Effects of point mutations on PPI
- Analysis of the wild-type and mutant protein structures
- An application: prediction of changes in PPI binding affinity upon mutation using rotation and translation-invariant representation
- Training and evaluating a model
- Analysis of the results
Google Colab:
- A brief introduction on Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN)
- A brief introduction on Graph Attention Networks (GAT)
- An application