- To compile all the different versions of the linked list (examples + benchmarks), type
ormake all
- To compile all the different versions of the linked list (only the examples), type
make examples
- To compile all the different versions of the linked list (only the benchmarks), type
make benchmarks
- To compile a specific version of the linked list (example + benchmark), type
. VERSION can take the following values : one_lock, lock_coupling, optimistic_locking, lazy_locking or lock_free. Ex: to compile the Lazy locking version, typemake lazy_locking
. - To compile a specific version of the linked list (only the example), type
make VERSION_example
. Ex:make one_lock_example
- To compile a specific version of the linked list (only the benchmark), type
make VERSION_benchmark
. Ex:make lock_free_benchmark
To execute a compiled example, go to the bin directory and execute the example you want.
Ex: cd bin && ./lock_free_example
The benchmark takes some parameters (all of them have default values):
- t: the number of threads to create (default: 4)
- a: the number of add calls (default: 500000)
- r: the number of remove calls (default: 500000)
- c: the number of contain calls (default: 1000000)
- s: the seed to use to generate random number (default: current time)
- i: the initial set size (filled with random values) (default: 300)
- m: the maximum value that can be added to the set (Do not set a maximum value less than the size of the set, otherwise the set cannot be filled) (default: 4000)
To execute a compiled benchmark, go to the bin directory and execute the benchmark you want.
Ex: cd bin && ./lock_free_benchmark -t 3 -a 3000 -r 2000 -c 10000 -s 1274567808 -i 200 -m 4000