NavigateUS is a mobile application created with Android Studio, intended for users to be able to find directions to their destination and check for NUS internal shuttle bus arrival timings.
NavigateUS is an application that users can download on their phones so that they are able to either manually check the bus arrival timings or receive notifications on when certain buses of their choice are arriving. In addition, the application would also be able to display suggested routes that users can take to certain locations depending on their preferences, so that users can arrive at their destination within the shortest amount of time. The application should also display a map to aid users in their navigation process.
This project is created with:
- Android Studio version 4.2.1 for Windows 64-bit
- Gradle 6.7.1
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2021.1.1
- Java Version 8 Update 291
This project uses the following dependencies and libraries:
- Jayway JSONPath 2.5.0
- Google Gson 2.8.7
- FasterXML Jackson 2.8.8
- Obtain bus arrival timings at different stops around NUS
- Enable notifications for bus arrival
- Get directions between source and destination
- Obtain bus arrival timings at different stops around NUS
The project is currently still being developed