Update rector/rector requirement from ^0.19.0 to ^1.0.0 #299
2 warnings
Run roave infection.:
Escaped Mutant for Mutator "ConcatOperandRemoval":
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
throw new InvalidListenerConfigurationException($this->createNotCallableMessage($listener));
} catch (ContainerExceptionInterface $exception) {
- throw new InvalidListenerConfigurationException('Could not instantiate event listener or listener class has invalid configuration. Got ' . $this->listenerDump($listener) . '.', 0, $exception);
+ throw new InvalidListenerConfigurationException('Could not instantiate event listener or listener class has invalid configuration. Got ' . $this->listenerDump($listener), 0, $exception);
Run roave infection.:
Escaped Mutant for Mutator "ConcatOperandRemoval":
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
return sprintf('"%s" method is not defined in "%s" class.', $definition[1], $definition[0]::class);
- return 'Listener must be a callable. Got ' . $this->listenerDump($definition) . '.';
+ return 'Listener must be a callable. Got ' . $this->listenerDump($definition);
* @throws ContainerExceptionInterface Error while retrieving the entry from container.
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.