Recurrent Attention over Contextualized Page sequence for Click-Through Rate Prediction in Taobao Personalized Search Ranking
- Prepare Data
- Train Model
We test our code on Python 3.7.5 and PyTorch 1.7.1.
mkdir ./Data/raw/
mkdir ./Data/new/
mkdir ./Data/data/
cd ./Data/raw/
kaggle competitions download -c avito-context-ad-clicks
py7zr -x *.7z
cd ../../
python ./DataPreprocess/
python ./DataPreprocess/
When you see the files below, you can do the next work.
Firstly, set the sys_path
in ./Runs/project_path.ini
as the absoluate path of current project.
Seconly, run the command python ./Runs/ --model_name racp