ONVIF Client Implementation in Python base wsdl ver10/20, support hevc(h.265)
zeep >= 3.0.0
Install python-onvif2-zeep
python-onvif-zeep ,see https://github.com/FalkTannhaeuser/python-onvif-zeep)
From Source
You should clone this repository and run setup.py:
cd python-onvif2-zeep && python setup.py install
Alternatively, you can run:
pip install --upgrade onvif2_zeep
from onvif2 import ONVIFCamera from zeep.transports import Transport mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 80, 'user', 'passwd', wsdl_dir='/home/onvif2/wsdl')
Now, an ONVIFCamera instance is available. By default, a devicemgmt service is also available if everything is OK.
So, all operations defined in the WSDL document:
download the wsdl folder,and put to the /home/onvif2
are available.
media2_service = self.mycam.create_media2_service() ## get the streamUri profiles = media2_service.GetProfiles() for profile in profiles: o = self.media2_service.create_type('GetStreamUri') o.ProfileToken = profile.token o.Protocol = 'RTSP' uri = self.media2_service.GetStreamUri(o) dic = {'token': profile.token, 'rtsp': uri} print(dic) ## get video info , 'h265' or 'h264', 'width' 'height' 'gop' .... configurations = media2_service.GetVideoEncoderConfigurations() for configuration in configurations: if configuration['Encoding'].lower() == 'h264' or configuration['Encoding'].lower() == 'h265': width = configuration['Resolution']['Width'] height = configuration['Resolution']['Height'] dic = {'token': configuration['token'], 'encoding': configuration['Encoding'], 'ratio': "{}*{}".format(width, height), 'fps': configuration['RateControl']['FrameRateLimit'], 'bitrate': configuration['RateControl']['BitrateLimit'], 'gop': configuration['GovLength'], 'profile': configuration['Profile'], 'quality': configuration['Quality']} else: dic = {'token': configuration['Name'], 'encoding': configuration['Encoding']} print(dic)
# Get Hostname resp = mycam.devicemgmt.GetHostname() print 'My camera`s hostname: ' + str(resp.Name) # Get system date and time dt = mycam.devicemgmt.GetSystemDateAndTime() tz = dt.TimeZone year = dt.UTCDateTime.Date.Year hour = dt.UTCDateTime.Time.Hour
To configure your camera, there are two ways to pass parameters to service methods.
This is the simpler way:
params = {'Name': 'NewHostName'} device_service.SetHostname(params)
Type Instance
This is the recommended way. Type instance will raise an exception if you set an invalid (or non-existent) parameter.
params = mycam.devicemgmt.create_type('SetHostname') params.Hostname = 'NewHostName' mycam.devicemgmt.SetHostname(params) time_params = mycam.devicemgmt.create_type('SetSystemDateAndTime') time_params.DateTimeType = 'Manual' time_params.DaylightSavings = True time_params.TimeZone.TZ = 'CST-8:00:00' time_params.UTCDateTime.Date.Year = 2014 time_params.UTCDateTime.Date.Month = 12 time_params.UTCDateTime.Date.Day = 3 time_params.UTCDateTime.Time.Hour = 9 time_params.UTCDateTime.Time.Minute = 36 time_params.UTCDateTime.Time.Second = 11 mycam.devicemgmt.SetSystemDateAndTime(time_params)
mycam = ONVIFCamera('', 8899, 'admin', 'admin') #, no_cache=True) event_service = mycam.create_events_service() print(event_service.GetEventProperties())
pullpoint = mycam.create_pullpoint_service() req = pullpoint.create_type('PullMessages') req.MessageLimit=100 print(pullpoint.PullMessages({"Timeout":timedelta(seconds=2),"MessageLimit":10}))
ONVIF protocol has defined many services. You can find all the services and operations here. ONVIFCamera has support methods to create new services:
# Create ptz service ptz_service = mycam.create_ptz_service() # Get ptz configuration mycam.ptz.GetConfiguration() # Another way # ptz_service.GetConfiguration()
Or create an unofficial service:
xaddr = '' yourservice = mycam.create_onvif_service('service.wsdl', xaddr, 'yourservice') yourservice.SomeOperation() # Another way # mycam.yourservice.SomeOperation()
python-onvif also provides a command line interactive interface: onvif-cli. onvif-cli is installed automatically.
$ onvif-cli devicemgmt GetHostname --user 'admin' --password '12345' --host '' --port 80 True: {'FromDHCP': True, 'Name': hision} $ onvif-cli devicemgmt SetHostname "{'Name': 'NewerHostname'}" --user 'admin' --password '12345' --host '' --port 80 True: {}
$ onvif-cli -u 'admin' -a '12345' --host '' --port 80 --wsdl /etc/onvif/wsdl/ ONVIF >>> cmd analytics devicemgmt events imaging media ptz ONVIF >>> cmd devicemgmt GetWsdlUrl True: http://www.onvif.org/ ONVIF >>> cmd devicemgmt SetHostname {'Name': 'NewHostname'} ONVIF >>> cmd devicemgmt GetHostname True: {'Name': 'NewHostName'} ONVIF >>> cmd devicemgmt SomeOperation False: No Operation: SomeOperation
NOTE: Tab completion is supported for interactive mode.
$ vim batchcmds $ cat batchcmds cmd devicemgmt GetWsdlUrl cmd devicemgmt SetHostname {'Name': 'NewHostname', 'FromDHCP': True} cmd devicemgmt GetHostname $ onvif-cli --host -u admin -a 12345 -w /etc/onvif/wsdl/ < batchcmds ONVIF >>> True: http://www.onvif.org/ ONVIF >>> True: {} ONVIF >>> True: {'FromDHCP': False, 'Name': NewHostname}