Jenkins pipeline to automate the installation of Kubernetes on RHEL distribution systems by using the Kubespray project
Python 3.9
Make sure you have a sudo user on your target nodes and that is able to write to
, to ensure this you can run:sudo setfacl -R -m u:<sudo username>:rwx /opt/
On the Ansible control node(s) create a new Python virtual environment to download and install the specific version of Ansible and its dependencies for Kubespray to work, this will also be the ansible installation that the pipeline will use, this is helpful as it won't interfere with other ansible installation the system may have.
Clone the Kubespray repo:
git clone -b tags/v2.21.0 cd kubespray
Create a Python virtual environment, for this example we'll be creating the venv under /opt/
python -m venv /opt/python-venvs/ansible-2.12/
Activate the virtual environment:
source /opt/python-venvs/ansible-2.12/bin/activate
Install the specific Ansible version along with its dependencies:
python -m pip install -r requirements-2.12.txt
On the Jenkins UI:
- Go to "Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration"
- Scroll down to Ansible, expand the "Ansible Installation" option.
- Add a
for the Anible installation we just did above, this is the name that will be used on theansible_installation
parameter. - Add to the path to the Ansible executable, in our case that would be
You must copy the public ssh key (You can use the default one or create one specific for these installations) to the target nodes, it should be the key of the user that is running the Jenkins job, for example:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/<pub key name>.pub <user>@${node} or cat /var/lib/<user>/.ssh/ | ssh <node> "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
Or you can use this helper command to copy the key to multiple nodes:
NODOS="<nodeIP> <nodeIP> <nodeIP>" && for node in ${NODOS} ; do ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/<pub key name>.pub <user>@${node} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ; done
(Optional) The no_proxy parameter at bear minimum should include:,localhost,,,
This Jenkins pipeline has 5 Stages, all of them optional.
- "Clonning KubeSpray project": clones repo on the Ansible plane node.
- "Reset K8s Cluster": recommended to run if a previous installation was performed.
- "Reboot Nodes": recommended after selecting the "Reset K8s Cluster" option.
- "Running OS requirements K8s": recommended to run for 1st time installations or after reseting the cluster.
- "Running KubeSpray":
- This stage runs the installation of K8s using KubeSpray.
If metrics-server is enabled, once installed you can run the following command to get all the metrics-server options:
[docker|podman|crictl] run --rm<tag> --help
In general we're invoking the ansible plugin to run the equivalent of the commands below:
Base command, no external load balancer:
time ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/inventory.ini --become --become-user=root cluster.yml -K --extra-vars="http_proxy=<proxy node> https_proxy=<proxy node> no_proxy=,localhost,,,<add the rest of nodes you need exclude> kube_proxy_mode=iptables dashboard_enabled=<default value> metrics_server_enabled=<default value> helm_enabled=<default value>" -v
With xternal load balancer:
time ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/inventory.ini --become --become-user=root cluster.yml -K --extra-vars="http_proxy=<proxy node> https_proxy=<proxy node> no_proxy=,localhost,,,<add the rest of nodes you need exclude> kube_proxy_mode=iptables dashboard_enabled=<default value> metrics_server_enabled=<default value> helm_enabled=<default value>" -v