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Darknet for KITTI

This repository is forked from pjreddie/darknet.

What's new for this repository?

This version of darknet is modified to fit KITTI 2D object dataset.

Train YOLOv2 for KITTI

The details are written at

Object Detection on KITTI dataset using YOLO and Faster R-CNN

The details are written at

Test image sequence using YOLO

New function testseq in darknet is written for testing image sequence. The file names of the image sequence should be listed in a txt file <namelist.txt>. To use testseq, run the following code in the terminal:

./darknet detector testseq cfg/ cfg/kitti.cfg <weights_file> <namelist.txt>

New function twseq in darknet is written for testing image sequence and output results. The file names of the image sequence should be listed in a txt file <namelist.txt>. To use twseq, run the following code in the terminal:

./darknet detector twseq cfg/ cfg/kitti.cfg <weights_file> <namelist.txt> -thresh 0.5 -show 1