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Web service specification for BIM Collaboration Format

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Version 2.1 based on BCFv2.1. GitHub repository

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

BCF is a format for managing issues on a BIM project. RESTful BCF-API supports the exchange of BCFv2 issues between software applications.

All API access is transmitted over HTTPS. Data is sent as URL encoded query parameters and JSON POST bodies and received as JSON. Every resource has a corresponding JSON Schema (Draft 03). JSON Hyper Schema is used for link definition. The authentication method is OAuth2. URL schemas in this readme are relational to the base server URL.

An example of a client implementation in C# can be found here:

1.1 Paging, Sorting and Filtering

When requesting collections of items, the BCF-API should offer URL parameters according to the OData specification. It can be found at

1.2 Caching

ETags, or entity-tags, are an important part of HTTP, being a critical part of caching, and also used in "conditional" requests.

The ETag response-header field value, an entity tag, provides for an "opaque" cache validator. The easiest way to think of an etag is as an MD5 or SHA1 hash of all the bytes in a representation. If just one byte in the representation changes, the etag will change.

ETags are returned in a response to a GET:

joe@joe-laptop:~$ curl --include
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 15:06:15 GMT
Server: Apache
ETag: "078de59b16c27119c670e63fa53e5b51"
Content-Length: 23081

The client may send an "If-None-Match" HTTP Header containing the last retrieved etag. If the content has not changed the server returns a status code 304 (not modified) and no response body.

1.3 Updating Resources via HTTP PUT

Whenever a resource offers the HTTP PUT method to be updated as a whole.

This means that there is no partial update mechanism for objects but every PUT request is sending the whole object representation. PUT schemas may exclude server generated values that cannot be edited, such as creation dates or authors.

1.4 Cross origin resource sharing (Cors)

The server will put the "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" in the response header and specify who can access the servers (JSON) resources. The client can look for this value and proceed with accessing the resources.

The server has a web config file .. "*" means the server allow the resources for all domains.

        <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Content-Type, Accept, X-Requested-With,  Authorization" />
        <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS" />
        <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />

1.5 HTTP status codes

The BCF API relies on the regular Http Status Code definitions. Good sources are Wikipedia or the HTTP/1.1 Specification.

1.6 Error response body format

BCF-API has a specified error response body format error.json.

1.7 DateTime format

DateTime values in this API are supposed to be in ISO 8601 compliant YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss format with optional time zone indicators. This is the same format as defined in the Xml xs:dateTime type as well as the result of JavaScripts Date.toJson() output.

For example, 2016-04-28-16:31.27+2:00 would represent Thursday, April 28th, 2016, 16:31 (270ms) with a time zone offset of +2 hours relative to UTC.

2. Topologies

2.1 Topology 1 - BCF-Server only

Model collaboration is managed through a shared file server or a network file sharing service like Dropbox. The BCF-Server handles the authentication and the BCF-Issues.


2.2 Topology 2 - Colocated BCF-Server and Model Server

BCF and model server are co-located on the same hosts.


3. Public Services

3.1 Information Services


Resource URL (public resource)

GET /bcf/version


Parameter Type Description Required
version string Identifier of the version true
detailed_version string Url to specification on GitHub false

Returns a list of all supported BCF API versions of the server.

Example Request

Example Response

    "versions": [{
        "version_id": "1.0",
        "detailed_version": ""

3.2 Authentication Services

3.2.1 Obtaining Authentication Information


Authentication is based on the OAuth 2.0 Protocol.

Resource URL (public resource)

GET /bcf/auth


Parameter Type Description Required
oauth2_auth_url string URL to authorisation page true
oauth2_token_url string URL for token requests true
oauth2_dynamic_client_reg_url string URL for automated client registration true
http_basic_supported boolean Indicates if Http Basic Authentication is supported true

Example Request

Example Response

    "oauth2_auth_url": "",
    "oauth2_token_url": "",
    "oauth2_dynamic_client_reg_url": "",
    "http_basic_supported": true

3.2.2 OAuth2 protocol flow - Client Request -

The Client uses the "oauth2_auth_url" and adds the following parameters to it.

parameter value
response_type code as string literal
client_id your client id
state unique user defined value

Example URL:<YourClientID>&state=D98F9B4F-5B0E-4948-B8B5-59F4FE23B8E0

Example redirected URL:

Tip: You can use the state parameter to transport custom information.

Open a browser window or redirect the user to this resource. This redirects back to the specified redirect URI with the provided state and the authorization code as a query parameter if the user allows your app to access the account, the value "access_denied" in the error query parameter if the user denies access.

3.2.3 OAuth2 protocol flow - Token Request -


The Client uses the "oauth2_token_url" to request a token. Example:

Content type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


parameter type description
access_token string The issued OAuth2 token
token_type string Always bearer
expires_in integer The lifetime of the access token in seconds
refresh_token string The issued OAuth2 refresh token, one-time-usable only

The POST request can be done via HTTP Basic Authorization with your applications "ClientID" as the username and your "ClientSecret" as the password.

Post Request Body:


Alternatively all parameters may be passed in the token request body

Post Request Body:


The access token will be returned as JSON in the response body and is an arbitrary string, guaranteed to fit in a varchar(255) field.

Example Response

    "access_token": "Zjk1YjYyNDQtOTgwMy0xMWU0LWIxMDAtMTIzYjkzZjc1Y2Jh",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": "3600",
    "refresh_token": "MTRiMjkzZTYtOTgwNC0xMWU0LWIxMDAtMTIzYjkzZjc1Y2Jh"

3.2.4 OAuth2 protocol flow - Refresh Token Request -


The process to retrieve a refresh token is exactly the same as retrieving a token except the POST Request Body.

POST Request Body:


The refresh token can only be used once to retrieve a token and a new refresh token.

3.2.5 OAuth2 protocol flow - Dynamic Client Registration -



The following part describes the optional dynamic registration process of a client. BCF-Servers may offer additional processes registering clients, for example allowing a client application developer to register his client on the servers website.

Resource URL

POST <oauth2_dynamic_client_reg_url> (obtained from auth_GET)

Register a new client :


JSON encoded body using the "application/json" content type.

parameter type description
client_name string (max. length 60) The client name
client_description string (max. length 4000) The client description
client_url string An URL providing additional information about the client
redirect_url string An URL where users are redirected after granting access to the client

Example Request
    "client_name": "Example Application",
    "client_description": "Example CAD desktop application",
    "client_url": "",
    "redirect_url": "http://localhost:8080"

Example Response

    "client_id": "cGxlYXN1cmUu",
    "client_secret": "ZWFzdXJlLg=="

3.2.6 OAuth2 protocol flow - Requesting Resources -

When requesting other resources the access token must be passed via the Authorization header using the Bearer scheme (e.g. Authorization: Bearer T9UNRV4sC9vr7ga).

4. BCF Services

4.1 Project Services

4.1.1 GET Project Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects


Retrieve a collection of projects where the currently logged on user has access to.

Example Request

Example Response

    "project_id": "F445F4F2-4D02-4B2A-B612-5E456BEF9137",
    "name": "Example project 1"
}, {
    "project_id": "A233FBB2-3A3B-EFF4-C123-DE22ABC8414",
    "name": "Example project 2"

4.1.2 GET Single Project Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}


Retrieve a specific project.

Example Request

Example Response

    "project_id": "B724AAC3-5B2A-234A-D143-AE33CC18414",
    "name": "Example project 3"

4.1.3 PUT Single Project Services

Resource URL

PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}


Modify a specific project, description similar to POST.

4.1.4 GET Project Extension Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/extensions


Retrieve a specific projects extensions. Project extensions are used to define possible values that can be used in topics and comments, for example topic labels and priorities. They may change during the course of a project. The most recent extensions state which values are valid at a given moment for newly created topics and comments.

Example Request

Example Response

    "topic_type": [
    "topic_status": [
    "topic_label": [
    "snippet_type": [
    "priority": [
    "user_id_type": [
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]",
        "[email protected]"

4.2 Topic Services

4.2.1 GET Topic Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics


Retrieve a collection of topics related to a project (default sort order is creation_date).

Odata filter parameters

parameter type description
creation_author string userId of the creation author (value from extensions)
modified_author string userId of the modified author (value from extensions)
assigned_to string userId of the assigned person (value from extensions)
topic_status string status of a topic (value from extensions)
topic_type string type of a topic (value from extensions)
creation_date datetime creation date of a topic
modified_date datetime modification date of a topic
labels array (string) labels of a topic (value from extensions)

Odata sort parameters

parameter description
creation_date creation date of a topic
modified_date modification date of a topic
index index of a topic

Example Request with odata

Get topics that are open, assigned to [email protected] and created after December 5 2015. Sort the result on last modified$filter=assigned_to eq '[email protected]' and status eq 'Open' and creation_date gt datetime'2015-12-05T00:00:00+01:00'&$orderby=modified_date desc

Odata does not support list operators. To achieve list query, use the 'or' operator. Get topics that have at least one of the labels 'Architecture', 'Structural' or 'Heating'$filter=contains(labels, 'Architecture') or contains(labels, 'Structural') or contains(labels, 'Heating')

Example Request

Example Response

    "guid": "A245F4F2-2C01-B43B-B612-5E456BEF8116",
    "title": "Example topic 1",
    "labels": [
    "creation_date": "2013-10-21T17:34:22.409Z"
}, {
    "guid": "A211FCC2-3A3B-EAA4-C321-DE22ABC8414",
    "title": "Example topic 2",
    "labels": [
    "creation_date": "2014-11-19T14:24:11.316Z"

4.2.2 POST Topic Services

Resource URL

POST /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics


Add a new topic.


JSON encoded body using the "application/json" content type.

Parameter Type Description Required
topic_type string The type of a topic (value from extension.xsd) false
topic_status string The status of a topic (value from extension.xsd) false
reference_links array (string) Reference links, i.e. links to referenced resources false
title string The title of a topic true
priority string The priority of a topic (value from extension.xsd) false
index integer The index of a topic false
labels array (string) The collection of labels of a topic (values from extension.xsd) false
assigned_to string UserID assigned to a topic (value from extension.xsd) false
description string Description of a topic false
bim_snippet.snippet_type string Type of a BIM-Snippet of a topic (value from extension.xsd) false
bim_snippet.is_external boolean Is the BIM-Snippet external (default = false) false
bim_snippet.reference string Reference of a BIM-Snippet of a topic false
bim_snippet.reference_schema string Schema of a BIM-Snippet of a topic false
due_date string Until when the topics issue needs to be resolved false

Note: If "bim_snippet" is present, then all four properties (snippet_type, is_external, reference and reference_schema) are mandatory.

Example Request

POST Body:
    "topic_type": "Clash",
    "topic_status": "open",
    "title": "Example topic 3",
    "priority": "high",
    "labels": [
    "assigned_to": "[email protected]",
    "bim_snippet": {
        "snippet_type": "clash",
        "is_external": true,
        "reference": "",
        "reference_schema": ""

4.2.3 GET Single Topic Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{guid}/topics/{guid}


Retrieve a specific topic.

Example Request

Example Response

    "guid": "B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228",
    "topic_type": "Clash",
    "topic_status": "open",
    "title": "Example topic 3",
    "priority": "high",
    "labels": [
    "assigned_to": "[email protected]",
    "bim_snippet": {
        "snippet_type": "clash",
        "is_external": true,
        "reference": "",
        "reference_schema": ""

4.2.4 PUT Single Topic Services

Resource URL

PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}


Modify a specific topic, description similar to POST.

4.2.6 GET Topic BIM Snippet

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/snippet

Retrieves a topics BIM-Snippet as binary file. Will use the following HTTP headers to deliver additional information:

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Length: {Size of file in bytes};
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="{Filename.extension}";

4.2.7 PUT Topic BIM Snippet

Resource URL

PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/snippet

Puts a new BIM Snippet binary file to a topic. If this is used, the parent topics BIM Snippet property must be set to "is_external"=false and the "reference" must be the file name with extension. The following HTTP headers are used for the upload:

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Length: {Size of file in bytes};

4.3 File Services

4.3.1 GET File (Header) Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/files


Retrieve a collection of file references as topic header.

Example Request

Example Response

    "ifc_project": "0J$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD",
    "file_name": "OfficeBuilding_Architecture_0001.ifc",
    "reference": "$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD_0001.ifc"
}, {
    "ifc_project": "3hwBHP91jBRwPsmyf$3Hea",
    "file_name": "OfficeBuilding_Heating_0003.ifc",
    "reference": "$3Hea_0003.ifc"

4.3.2 PUT File (Header) Services

Resource URL

PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/files


Update a collection of file references on the topic header.

Example Request

    "ifc_project": "0J$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD",
    "file_name": "OfficeBuilding_Architecture_0001.ifc",
    "reference": "$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD_0001.ifc"
}, {
    "ifc_project": "3hwBHP91jBRwPsmyf$3Hea",
    "file_name": "OfficeBuilding_Heating_0003.ifc",
    "reference": "$3Hea_0003.ifc"

Example Response

    "ifc_project": "0J$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD",
    "file_name": "OfficeBuilding_Architecture_0001.ifc",
    "reference": "$yPqHBD12v72y4qF6XcD_0001.ifc"
}, {
    "ifc_project": "3hwBHP91jBRwPsmyf$3Hea",
    "file_name": "OfficeBuilding_Heating_0003.ifc",
    "reference": "$3Hea_0003.ifc"

4.4 Comment Services

4.4.1 GET Comment Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/comments


Retrieve a collection of all comments related to a topic (default ordering is date).

Odata filter parameters

parameter type description
author string userId of the author (value from extensions)
status string status of a comment (value from extensions)
date datetime creation date of a comment

Odata sort parameters

parameter description
date creation date of a comment

Example Request with odata

Get comments that are closed and created after December 5 2015. Sort the result on first created$filter=status eq 'Closed' and date gt datetime'2015-12-05T00:00:00+01:00'&$orderby=date asc

Example Request

Example Request

Example Response

    "guid": "C4215F4D-AC45-A43A-D615-AA456BEF832B",
    "date": "2013-10-21T17:34:22.409Z",
    "author": "[email protected]",
    "comment": "Clash found",
    "topic_guid": "B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228"
}, {
    "guid": "A333FCA8-1A31-CAAC-A321-BB33ABC8414",
    "date": "2013-11-19T14:24:11.316Z",
    "author": "[email protected]",
    "comment": "will rework the heating model",
    "topic_guid": "B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228"

4.4.2 POST Comment Services

Resource URL

POST /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/comments


Add a new comment to a topic.


JSON encoded body using the "application/json" content type.

Parameter Type Description Required
comment string The comment text true
viewpoint_guid string The GUID of the related viewpoint false
reply_to_comment_guid string GUID of the comment to which this comment replies to false

Example Request

    "comment": "will rework the heating model"

Example Response

    "guid": "A333FCA8-1A31-CAAC-A321-BB33ABC8414",
    "verbal_status": "closed",
    "status": "closed",
    "date": "2013-11-19T14:24:11.316Z",
    "author": "[email protected]",
    "comment": "will rework the heating model",
    "topic_guid": "B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228"

4.4.3 GET Single Comment Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/comments/{guid}


Get a single comment.

Example Request

Example Response

    "guid": "A333FCA8-1A31-CAAC-A321-BB33ABC8414",
    "date": "2013-11-19T14:24:11.316Z",
    "author": "[email protected]",
    "comment": "will rework the heating model",
    "topic_guid": "B345F4F2-3A04-B43B-A713-5E456BEF8228"

4.4.4 PUT Single Comment Services

Resource URL

PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/comments/{guid}


Update a single comment, description similar to POST.

4.5 Viewpoint Services

4.5.1 GET Viewpoint Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints


Retrieve a collection of all viewpoints related to a topic.

Example Request

Example Response

    "guid": "b24a82e9-f67b-43b8-bda0-4946abf39624",
    "perspective_camera": {
        "camera_view_point": {
            "x": 0.0,
            "y": 0.0,
            "z": 0.0
        "camera_direction": {
            "x": 1.0,
            "y": 1.0,
            "z": 2.0
        "camera_up_vector": {
            "x": 0.0,
            "y": 0.0,
            "z": 1.0
        "field_of_view": 90.0
    "lines": {
        "line": [{
            "start_point": {
                "x": 2.0,
                "y": 1.0,
                "z": 1.0
            "end_point": {
                "x": 0.0,
                "y": 1.0,
                "z": 0.7
    "clipping_planes": {
        "clipping_plane": [{
            "location": {
                "x": 0.7,
                "y": 0.3,
                "z": -0.2
            "direction": {
                "x": 1.0,
                "y": 0.4,
                "z": 0.1
}, {
    "guid": "a11a82e7-e66c-34b4-ada1-5846abf39133",
    "perspective_camera": {
        "camera_view_point": {
            "x": 0.0,
            "y": 0.0,
            "z": 0.0
        "camera_direction": {
            "x": 1.0,
            "y": 1.0,
            "z": 2.0
        "camera_up_vector": {
            "x": 0.0,
            "y": 0.0,
            "z": 1.0
        "field_of_view": 90.0
    "lines": {
        "line": [{
            "start_point": {
                "x": 1.0,
                "y": 1.0,
                "z": 1.0
            "end_point": {
                "x": 0.0,
                "y": 0.0,
                "z": 0.0
    "clipping_planes": {
        "clipping_plane": [{
            "location": {
                "x": 0.5,
                "y": 0.5,
                "z": 0.5
            "direction": {
                "x": 1.0,
                "y": 0.0,
                "z": 0.0

4.5.2 POST Viewpoint Services

Resource URL

POST /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints


Add a new viewpoint.


JSON encoded body using the "application/json" content type.

parameter type description required
x, y, z number numbers defining either a point or a vector optional
orthogonal camera object orthogonal camera view optional
camera_view_point object viewpoint of the camera optional
camera_directiont object direction of the camera optional
camera_up_vector object direction of camera up optional
view_to_world_scale object proportion of camera view to model optional
perspective camera object perspective view of the camera optional
camera_view_point object viewpoint of the camera optional
camera_directiont object direction of the camera optional
camera_up_vector object direction of camera up optional
field_of_view object field of view optional
line object graphical line optional
start_point object start point of the line optional
end_point object end point of the line optional
clipping_plane object clipping plane for the model view optional
location object origin of the clipping plane optional
direction object direction of the clipping plane optional
bitmaps array array of embedded pictures in the viewpoint optional
guid string guid for the bitmap mandatory
bitmap_type enum format of the bitmap. Predefined values png = 0, jpg = 1, bmp = 2 mandatory
location object location of the center of the bitmap in world coordinates (point) optional
normal object normal vector of the bitmap (vector) optional
up object up vector of the bitmap (vector) optional

Example Request
    "perspective_camera": {
        "camera_view_point": {
            "x": 0.0,
            "y": 0.0,
            "z": 0.0
        "camera_direction": {
            "x": 1.0,
            "y": 1.0,
            "z": 2.0
        "camera_up_vector": {
            "x": 0.0,
            "y": 0.0,
            "z": 1.0
        "field_of_view": 90.0
    "lines": {
        "line": [{
            "start_point": {
                "x": 1.0,
                "y": 1.0,
                "z": 1.0
            "end_point": {
                "x": 0.0,
                "y": 0.0,
                "z": 0.0
    "clipping_planes": {
        "clipping_plane": [{
            "location": {
                "x": 0.5,
                "y": 0.5,
                "z": 0.5
            "direction": {
                "x": 1.0,
                "y": 0.0,
                "z": 0.0

Example Response

    "guid": "a11a82e7-e66c-34b4-ada1-5846abf39133",
    "perspective_camera": {
        "camera_view_point": {
            "x": 0.0,
            "y": 0.0,
            "z": 0.0
        "camera_direction": {
            "x": 1.0,
            "y": 1.0,
            "z": 2.0
        "camera_up_vector": {
            "x": 0.0,
            "y": 0.0,
            "z": 1.0
        "field_of_view": 90.0
    "lines": {
        "line": [{
            "start_point": {
                "x": 1.0,
                "y": 1.0,
                "z": 1.0
            "end_point": {
                "x": 0.0,
                "y": 0.0,
                "z": 0.0
    "clipping_planes": {
        "clipping_plane": [{
            "location": {
                "x": 0.5,
                "y": 0.5,
                "z": 0.5
            "direction": {
                "x": 1.0,
                "y": 0.0,
                "z": 0.0

4.5.3 GET Single Viewpoint Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{guid}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}


Retrieve a specific viewpoint.

Example Request

Example Response

    "guid": "a11a82e7-e66c-34b4-ada1-5846abf39133",
    "perspective_camera": {
        "camera_view_point": {
            "x": 0.0,
            "y": 0.0,
            "z": 0.0
        "camera_direction": {
            "x": 1.0,
            "y": 1.0,
            "z": 2.0
        "camera_up_vector": {
            "x": 0.0,
            "y": 0.0,
            "z": 1.0
        "field_of_view": 90.0
    "lines": {
        "line": [{
            "start_point": {
                "x": 1.0,
                "y": 1.0,
                "z": 1.0
            "end_point": {
                "x": 0.0,
                "y": 0.0,
                "z": 0.0
    "clipping_planes": {
        "clipping_plane": [{
            "location": {
                "x": 0.5,
                "y": 0.5,
                "z": 0.5
            "direction": {
                "x": 1.0,
                "y": 0.0,
                "z": 0.0

4.5.4 PUT Single Viewpoint Services

Resource URL

PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{guid}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}


Update a single viewpoint, description similar to POST.

4.5.5 GET snapshot of a Viewpoint Service

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{guid}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/snapshot

Retrieve a viewpoints snapshot (png, jpg or bmp).

Example Request

Example Response

HTTP-response header:

Content-Type: image/png

4.5.6 PUT snapshot of a Viewpoint Service

Resource URL

PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{guid}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/snapshot

Add or update a viewpoints snapshot (png, jpg or bmp).

Example Request

HTTP PUT request header:

Content-Type: image/png

PUT Body contains binary image data

Example Response

HTTP-response status code:

201 created (empty response body)

4.5.7 GET bitmap of a Viewpoint Service

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{guid}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/bitmaps/{guid}

Retrieve a specific viewpoint bitmaps image file (png, jpg or bmp).

Example Request

Example Response

HTTP-response header:

Content-Type: image/png

4.5.8 PUT bitmap of a Viewpoint Service

Resource URL

PUT /bcf/{version}/projects/{guid}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/bitmaps/{guid}

Add or update a specific bitmap in a viewpoint (png, jpg or bmp).

Example Request

HTTP-PUT request header:

Content-Type: image/png

PUT Body contains binary image data

Example Response

HTTP-response status code:

201 created (empty response body)

4.6 Component Services

4.6.1 GET Component Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/components


Retrieve a collection of all components related to a viewpoint.

Example Request

Example Response

    "ifc_guid": "2MF28NhmDBiRVyFakgdbCT",
    "selected": true,
    "visible": true,
    "color": "0A00FF",
    "originating_system": "Example CAD Application",
    "authoring_tool_id": "EXCAD/v1.0"
}, {
    "ifc_guid": "3$cshxZO9AJBebsni$z9Yk",
    "selected": true,
    "visible": true,
    "color": "0A00FF",
    "originating_system": "Example CAD Application",
    "authoring_tool_id": "EXCAD/v1.0"

4.6.2 PUT Component Services

Resource URL

POST /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/viewpoints/{guid}/components


Add or update a collection of all components related to a viewpoint.

Example Request

    "ifc_guid": "2MF28NhmDBiRVyFakgdbCT",
    "selected": true,
    "visible": true,
    "color": "0A00FF",
    "originating_system": "Example CAD Application",
    "authoring_tool_id": "EXCAD/v1.0"
}, {
    "ifc_guid": "3$cshxZO9AJBebsni$z9Yk",
    "selected": true,
    "visible": true,
    "color": "0A00FF",
    "originating_system": "Example CAD Application",
    "authoring_tool_id": "EXCAD/v1.0"

Example Response

    "ifc_guid": "2MF28NhmDBiRVyFakgdbCT",
    "selected": true,
    "visible": true,
    "color": "0A00FF",
    "originating_system": "Example CAD Application",
    "authoring_tool_id": "EXCAD/v1.0"
}, {
    "ifc_guid": "3$cshxZO9AJBebsni$z9Yk",
    "selected": true,
    "visible": true,
    "color": "0A00FF",
    "originating_system": "Example CAD Application",
    "authoring_tool_id": "EXCAD/v1.0"

4.7 Related Topics Services

4.7.1 GET Related Topics Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/related_topics


Retrieve a collection of all related topics to a topic.

Example Request

Example Response

    "related_topic_guid": "db49df2b-0e42-473b-a3ee-f7b785d783c4"
}, {
    "related_topic_guid": "6963a846-54d1-4050-954d-607cd5e48aa3"

4.7.2 PUT Related Topics Services

Resource URL

POST /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/related_topics


Add or update a collection of all related topics to a topic.

Example Request

    "related_topic_guid": "db49df2b-0e42-473b-a3ee-f7b785d783c4"
}, {
    "related_topic_guid": "6963a846-54d1-4050-954d-607cd5e48aa3"
}, {
    "related_topic_guid": "bac66ab4-331e-4f21-a28e-083d2cf2e796"

Example Response

    "related_topic_guid": "db49df2b-0e42-473b-a3ee-f7b785d783c4"
}, {
    "related_topic_guid": "6963a846-54d1-4050-954d-607cd5e48aa3"
}, {
    "related_topic_guid": "bac66ab4-331e-4f21-a28e-083d2cf2e796"

4.8 Document Reference Services

4.8.1 GET Document Reference Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/document_references


Retrieve a collection of all document references to a topic.

Example Request

Example Response

    "guid": "472ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520",
    "referenced_document": "",
    "description": "The legal requirements for buildings."
}, {
    "guid": "6cbfe31d-95c3-4f4d-92a6-420c23698721",
    "referenced_document": "",
    "description": "The building owners global design parameters for buildings."

4.8.2 PUT Document Reference Services

Resource URL

POST /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/topics/{guid}/document_references


Add or update document references to a topic. The PUT object may either contain the property "guid" to reference a document stored on the BCF server (see section 4.9) OR the property "referenced_document" to point to an external resource.

Example Request

    "referenced_document": "",
    "description": "The legal requirements for buildings."

Example Response

    "guid": "472ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520",
    "referenced_document": "",
    "description": "The legal requirements for buildings."

4.9 Document Services

4.9.1 GET Documents Services


Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/documents

Retrieve a collection of all documents uploaded to a project.

Example Request

Example Response

    "guid": "472ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520",
    "filename": "LegalRequirements.pdf"
}, {
    "guid": "6cbfe31d-95c3-4f4d-92a6-420c23698721",
    "filename": "DesignParameters.pdf"

4.9.2 POST Document Services

Resource URL

POST /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/documents

Upload a document (binary file) to a project. The following HTTP headers are used for the upload:

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Length: {Size of file in bytes};
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="{Filename.extension}";

Example Response

    "guid": "472ab37a-6122-448e-86fc-86503183b520",
    "filename": "Official_Building_Permission.pdf"

4.9.3 GET Document Services

Resource URL

GET /bcf/{version}/projects/{project_id}/documents/{guid}

Retrieves a document as binary file. Will use the following HTTP headers to deliver additional information:

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Length: {Size of file in bytes};
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="{Filename.extension}";


Web service specification for BIM Collaboration Format






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