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Configuration guide

yllen edited this page Jun 9, 2022 · 5 revisions
  • Home / Setup / General
  • Behaviors tab

New ticket

This behaviors will be applied during ticket creation.

Ticket's number format

This option allows to define the ticket number format, among:

  • Y000001 : max 1 million tickets per year, ex 2011000001
  • Ym0001 : max 10 thousand tickets per month, ex 2011030001
  • Ymd01 : max 1 hundred tickets per day, ex 2011032501
  • ymd0001 : max 10 thousand tickets per day, ex 1103250001

Be careful !!

If you use one of this number format, you won't be able to come back to the original number format of GLPI. Also you won't be able to pass from a format to other one. Indeed, to know the next number of ticket, it is made a select max of last id.

Use the associated item's group:

If group is not set, and an item is selected, its group will be used. This behavior already exists in GLPI. It's activation make it have priority on the next.

Use the requester's group:

If requester group is not set, and a requester is set, the first of his group is used. Le next filter can be used to filter groups when a user is member of various.

Use the technician's group:

If technical group is not set, and a technician is set, the first of his group is used. Le next filter can be used to filter groups when a user is member of various.

Requester mandatory

This options set requester as a mandatory field when creating a ticket.

Update ticket

Duration is mandatory before ticket is solved/closed

If you try to set a ticket as solved or closed (or select a type of solution) on a ticket without duration, you will get the message:

Duration mandatory to solve/close a ticket

You must add a task with a duration first.

Category is mandatory before ticket is solved/closed

If you try to set a ticket as solved or closed (or select a type of solution) on a ticket without category selected, you will get the message:

Category mandatory to solve/close a ticket

You must choose a category first.

Type of solution is mandatory before ticket is solved/closed

If you try to set a ticket as solved or closed without a type of solution, you will get the message:

Type of solution mandatory to solve/close a ticket

You must set a type of solution, which will automatically set ticket as solved.

Category is mandatory when you assign

If you try to add a technician or a group of technicians in a ticket without category selected, you will get the message:

Category is mandatory when you assign a ticket

You must choose a category first.

Description of solution is mandatory before ticket is solved/closed

If you try to set a ticket as solved or closed without the description of the solution, you will get the message:

Description of solution mandatory to solve/close a ticket

You must write the description of the solution, which will automatically set ticket as solved.

Technician is mandatory before ticket is solved/closed

If you try to set a ticket as solved or closed without any technician assigned, you will get the message:

Technician is mandatory to solve/close a ticket

You must assign a technician first.

Group of technicians is mandatory before ticket is solved/closed

If you try to set a ticket as solved or closed without any group of technicians assigned, you will get the message:

Group of technicians is mandatory to solve/close a ticket

You must assign a group of technicians first.

Use the technician's group

When you add a technician, the first of his group is used. Le next filter can be used to filter groups when a user is member of various. You will see this assignation after the ticket's update.

Location is mandatory before ticket is solved/closed

If you try to set a ticket as solved or closed without location selected in the ticket, you will get the message:

Location mandatory to solve/close a ticket

You must select a location in the ticket first.

Category mandatory in a task

You can't create a task without affect it a category.

Deny change of ticket's creation date

If you try to change the create date of a ticket, this will be ignored.

Protect from simultaneous update

Lock an item during its update

Single technician and group

Lock multi-actors of GLPI core

Refuse to solve or close a ticket if this ticket as some task with TO DO state

You must change the states of the TO DO tasks to be allow to solve or close the ticket.

Add the logged technician when solve ticket

When you solve or close a ticket, the connected user is added as an assigned technician

Add the logged technician when adding followup

When you add a followup, the connected user is added as an assigned technician if none of these technical groups are already assigned


Delete computer in OCS when purged from GLPI

This requires than the "Item's uninstallation" Plugin is installed.

When a computer is purged from GLPI, le linked computer in OCS is also deleted.

See my assets

The vision will be limited to the assets whose User field contains the login of the connected person

See assets of my groups

The vision will be limited to the assets whose Group field contains a group of the connected person

These 2 options are only if you don't have Update right on objects: computer, monitor, network equipment, peripheral, phone, printer and software license.

Additional notifications

If set to Yes

New event added in the core

  • Assign to a technician (before version 2.0.0)
  • Assign to a group of technicians
  • Assign to a supplier (before version 2.0.0)
  • Add a watcher (before version 2.0.0)
  • Change status
  • change status to Waiting status

New recipients added in the core

  • Last supplier assigned
  • Last group assignied
  • Last technician assigned
  • Last watcher added
  • Supervisor of last group assigned
  • Last group assigned without supervisor

Functionalities added

Objects clone

This functionality is displayed by a new tab in the object.

Objects concerned are:
- notification template
- profile
- all rules (business, affectation, mail collector...)
- transfert
- ticket
  • in active entity : the object will be added in the in the entity in which the user is located
  • in item's entity : the object will be added in the same entity as the cloned object These 2 features are especially for tree multi-entities

Update problem

Type of solution is mandatory before problem is solved/closed

If you try to set a problem as solved or closed without a type of solution, you will get the message:

Type of solution mandatory to solve/close a problem

You must set a type of solution, which will automatically set problem as solved.

Refuse to solve or close a problem if this problem as some task with TO DO state

You must change the states of the TO DO tasks to be allow to solve or close the problem.

New change

Change's number format

This option allows to define the change number format, among:

  • Y000001 : max 1 million changes per year, ex 2011000001
  • Ym0001 : max 10 thousand changes per month, ex 2011030001
  • Ymd01 : max 1 hundred changes per day, ex 2011032501
  • ymd0001 : max 10 thousand changes per day, ex 1103250001

Be careful !!

If you use one of this number format, you won't be able to come back to the original number format of GLPI. Also you won't be able to pass from a format to other one. Indeed, to know the next number of change, it is made a select max of last id.

Update change

Refuse to solve or close a change if this change as some task with TO DO state

You must change the states of the TO DO tasks to be allow to solve or close the change.

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