Preprocessing.ipynb : python jupyter notebook for pre-processing data used in stage-I and II clustering analyses
Stage 1 Clustering.ipynb: python jupyter notebook for implementing stage-I k-means partition
Stage 2 Clustering - Hierarchical.ipynb: python notebook for implementing stage-II hierarchical clustering analysis
Stage 2 Clustering - KMedoid.ipynb: python notebook for conducting sensitivity analysis (PAM) on stage-II clustering
GBTM_Preprocess_Visual.RMD: R notebook for pre-processing data and visualizing discovered patterns for the group-based trajectory modeling (GBTM) analysis python codes called by GBTM_Preprocess_Visual.RMD to import pickle objects into R environment for further pre-processing required by GBTM analysis SAS program for fitting finite mixture trajectory models under censored normal distribution, and for exporting model fitness statistics and model outcomes.
Supplementary Material.pdf: pdf file that includes all the supplementary figures and tables relevant to this clustering exercise.