- 胡子昂 15331111
- 侯培中 15331105
- 柯永基 15331135
- 胡子昂 1.entity/user 2.log
- 侯培中 1.entity/meeting 2.travis
- 柯永基 1.cmd
go get github.com/tpisntgod/Agenda
agenda [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
register to create a new account
login to sign in
logout to sign out
usrSch to list all the users
usrDel to delete the current user
mc to create a new meeting
ap to add some participators to a meeting
dp to delete some partipators from a meeting
ms to list all meetings you take part in according to the time you provide
mq to quit a meeting
mc to cancel a meeting
mclr to clear all the meetings you host
-h, --help help for agenda
Use "agenda [command] --help" for more information about a command.