This MATLAB package for calculating incoherent scatter spectra was extracted from the GUISDAP incoherent scatter analysis software by Markku Lehtinen and Asko Huuskonen.
The spectrum calculation is summarized by Vallinkoski, 1989 and GUISDAP is introduced by Lehtinen and Huuskonen, 1996.
####### installation ###########
Extract the files in the package ISspectrum_MATLAB to a directory and add it to your matlab search path using the addpath command. For example, if the zip contects were extracted to your home directory, use the command
addpath ~/ISspectrum_MATLAB
####### ISspectrum ############# The function ISspectrum is a graphical user interface for the spectrum calculation routines. Start the program by typing the command
ISspectrum in the matlab command prompt. Use the command help ISspectrum to get more instructions
ISspectrum uses the GUISDAP function guisdap_spec to calculate the spectra. To calculate spectra with parameters not allowed by the ISspectrum GUI, you can call the function guisdap_spec directly from the matlab command prompt. Notice that there is no graphics available, you will need to also plot the data by yourself.
########## guisdap_spec ###########
The main spectrum calculation routine is the function guisdap_spec. User instructions are available with the standard MATLAB help command:
help guisdap_spec
Example: % % electron density 3e11 m^-3 % electron temperature 1200 K % electron bulk velocity 0 m/s % electron-neutral collision frequency 0 s^-1 % % ion composition 50 % 16u, 50% 30.5u % ion temperature 1000 K % ion bulk velocity 0 m/s % ion-neutral collision frequency 0 s^-1 % % f=[-5000:5000]; elec=[3e11 1200 0 0]; ions=[.5 1000 16 0 0 ; .5 1000 30.5 0 0]; radar=[224e6 pi];
s = guisdap_spec(f,elec,ions,radar); plot(f,s)
Routines for calculating the ion-neutral collision frequencies are also included, but these require the MATLAB aerospace toolbox. If you have the toolbox installed, you can use the function collisionFrequencies to calculate the ion-neutral collision frequencies.
Example: % % ion-neutral collision frequencies at 100 km altitude on 1 Jan 2017 % 21 UT at geographic latitude 70 deg and longitude 20 deg. % % out = collisionFrequencies( datetime(2017,1,1,21,0,0),70,20,100)
The output should be: out =
struct with fields:
in1: 4.7480e+03
in2: 7.6265e+03
en: 4.5396e+04
Here out.in1 is for the molecular ions (a mixture of NO+ and O2+) and out.in2 for the O+ ions. out.en is the electron-neutral collision frequency.