released this
01 Dec 22:13
415 commits
to master
since this release
Release Notes
- Enabling Discord Rich Presence no longer opens an extra window, it now seamlessly toggles on and off. You just need to use the launcher if you want to enable it. - Medik
- Added a new default theme for the launcher, console and all other EOP GUI elements. - Medik
- Added the ability to configure ImGUI elements (Launcher, Console, ImGUI Lua etc.) via a single toml file. See configuring the EOP launcher tutorial for more information - Medik
- Added an executable GUI that allows you to create the toml files with a GUI tool. Thank you ImThemes. - Medik
- Added tooltips that explain what all the EOP launcher settings do - Medik
- M2TWEOP GUI automatically selects the mod .cfg file if it detects one - Fynn
- Added an uninstaller batch file that deletes all EOP files in the mod folder- Medik
- Added support for DXVK project (Vulcan wrapper over game d3d9 graphics). To try this out simply enable the option in the launcher. For some hardware, this can massively improve performance - youneuoy and Medik
- "Show planned retreat route" no longer shows on the Stratmap Context Menu if the option is disabled in the launcher - Medik
Lua Plugin
Note: The following changes were all made by Fynn
- Added ability to recruit EOPEDU units from buildings
- With this change, the unit cap has now been broken in it's entirety
- Added event that fires after game loads to main menu
- Added
event as an insertion point for campaign ai altering code - Fixed EOP EDU units as mercenaries causing crashes when gifting or rebelling settlements
- uimanager struct added to game data all where you can get selected units, character, fort, settlement
- Check if unit has an attribute (from edu attributes line)
- Get and set military access between factions
- Get and set faction standing between factions
- College of cardinals struct added
- Global array of forts, ports and watchtowers added to campaign struct
- Get settlement by name function added to campaign struct
- Get religion name added
- Get and set guard mode, fire at will, skirmish of units in battle
- Expansion to unit struct, including many in battle properties
- Added unit position data struct to get some more unit information during battles
- Expansion of campaign struct with difficulty per faction, crusade/jihad structs, fog of war and more
- Added most game options from the game cfg file to lua
- Expansion to character struct with new fields like inEnemyZOC, numTurnsIdle, timeInRegion and much more
- Expansion to faction struct with new fields like battles won/lost, neighbour regions, faction economy, faction rankings, interfaction battle statistics
- Added win conditions like regions to hold and factions to outlive
- Added faction economy with all the information from the financial panel
- Expanded sm factions struct
- Expanded settlement struct with capabilities, recruit pools, tax level, base fertility and more
- Expanded army struct with siege equipment and more
- Added ability to add conditions to recruit pools in the format of edb
- Added ability to use any game condition in lua with M2TWEOP.condition, which can use event context through the eventData
- Expanded tile struct with easy way to locate if it contains characters, settlements, resources and much more
- Expanded region struct with roads, sea trade, harvest success and more
- Added many enums to the luaDocs file for easier coding
- Fixed and expanded battleArmy and battleUnit structs
- Added ability to change some hardcoded campaign difficulty modifiers
- Expanded edu and renamed many fields for consistency
- Added ai structs like the long term goal director, ai production controller and ai personality with changeable values
- Added much of the information the campaign ai uses like free strength, military balance and much more
- All game events improved performance and added to the game, there is a change in how game events provide their parameters (See more below)
Breaking Changes
in settlement struct ->regionID
- Event function has different parameters (see more below)
- Lot of info like different public order and growth types inside settlement struct moved to their own struct
- Many renamed fields in edu entry struct
in factionStruct ->factionID
(dipNum still works for compatibility but it is not in docs, you should change it where you use it)
Note: Please use the Lua docs to find problems with obsolete namings
Note: eopLuaHelpers.lua
has not been updated in accordance with the breaking changes.
New Event Structure Example
In the below example the eventData parameter contains 4 fields with information, which you can see in the documentation under "Exports":
---A settlement is being processed for the start of its faction's turn.
-- Exports: settlement, faction, regionID, religion
---@param eventData eventTrigger
function onSettlementTurnStart(eventData)
local faction = eventData.faction
local religion = eventData.religion
- Website
- Lua Documentation
- ImGUI Documentation
- Discord
- Installation Video
- M2TWEOP Tutorials
- M2TWEOP Features