Release Notes
- Rewrote and improved moveToTile, siegeSettlement, attackCharacter (Fynn)
- Fixed some more potential crashes with EOP unit recruitment due to reports provided to me, thanks to perry123 (Fynn)
Lua Plugin
Added settlementInfoScroll struct. Allows you to set colours of some elements (Medik)
Added spawnArmy, works similar to game spawn_army command allowing you to spawn admirals, respawn off-map characters and use random_name (Fynn)
Added siegeFort, works pretty much the same way as siegeSettlement but for forts (Fynn)
Added getFaction, getSettlement and getRegionByName which use internal hash tables for instant retrieval of the selected types by their names. (Fynn)
Added onUnloadCampaign event so you can for example detect when a user quits back to main menu from the campaign. (Fynn)
Expanded eduEntry struct with many new fields like getting the animation names, checking if unit has an attribute and getting the mount/projectile the entry uses (Fynn)
Incompatibility: siegeSettlement now takes 3 arguments, third one being a boolean isAttack which does the same as the game's siege_settlement command maintain|attack option. (Fynn)
- Some more fixes and missing fields added (Fynn)
- Known Bugs
- Website
- Lua Documentation
- ImGUI Documentation
- Discord
- Installation Video
- M2TWEOP Tutorials
- M2TWEOP Features