A simple bot handler for discord.js/v14
- Easy Application Commands (including easy AutoCompleters)
- Easy Customizable MessagePages
- Easy Actions (EmojiAction, ButtonAction, SelectMenuAction)
- Easy to combine Actions and a message (called MessageCore)
Run npm install discord.js-core
in the terminal.
Create index.js
file and edit it.
const { Core } = require("discord.js-core");
const core = new Core({
/* discord.js client options */
// MessageContent requires to be enabled on the application developer portal (https://discord.com/developers/applications/)
intents: ["Guilds", "GuildMessages", "GuildMessageReactions", "MessageContent"],
allowedMentions: { repliedUser: false }, // Disable mention on reply (Recommended)
/* discord.js-core core options */
prefix: "!", // message command prefix
guildId: "Your Guild ID", // if not provided, your commands will be applied to global (to all guilds, DMs, and groups)
token: "Your Token",
// debug mode, which enables you to develop your bot more easily. (e.g. All commands have "dev-" at the head of their name in debug mode)
// when `devMode` is true, `guildId` or `devGuild` must be provided.
devMode: false,
Run the index.js with node .
or node index.js
in the terminal,
and you will find the bot is online.
You can handle SlashCommand, MessageCommand and ContextMenu in a single code.
const { Command } = require("discord.js-core");
// or in ESM, import { Command } from "discord.js-core";
Let's code your own command.
Here is an example of commands.
const command = new Command({
name: "mention",
description: "Mentions a user",
messageCommandAliases: ["m"], // aliases for MessageCommand
args: {
"target": {
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.User,
description: "The user to mention",
required: true,
messageCommand: true, // if this option is also for MessageCommand, set this to true; otherwise, set this to false
supportsMessageCommand: true,
supports: ["USER_CONTEXT_MENU", "SLASH_COMMAND"], // Types of commands which this command supports
run: async (ic, args) => {
// Type of ic is InteractionCore, which can combine Message and Interaction.
// You can reply to Message or Interaction in the same method with InteractionCore.
// If the interaction is from UserContextMenu, target id is in ic.contextMenuUser (If from MessageContextMenu, in ic.contextMenuMessage)
const target = ic.contextMenuUser ?? args["target"];
if (!target) return ic.reply({ content: "Target user not found" }); // Send reply message
const mention = `<@${target.id}>`;
await ic.reply({ content: mention }); // Send reply message
This command enables users to mention a specific user by using slash command, message command, or context menu.
And DO NOT forget to register your commands.
You can also add commands from command directory.
Create "commands" folder, and a file for each command.
The contents of the file are as follows.
const { Command } = require("discord.js-core");
module.exports = new Command(...);
// or in ESM
// import { Command } from "discord.js-core";
// export default new Command(...);
Apply registered commands with core.applyCommands()
core.login(() => core.applyCommands()); // login, and apply commands on ready
See example folder for more examples!
And typescript example here!